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The Pink Buiscuit

My BOyfreind

  • all of my freinds guess what you get to go on my site here Joel,Trevor,Kyle,Josh,John,Jon,Matt,Brett,Brian,Jason,









    My Favorite Sites

    Angelfire - Free Home Pages
    The best site ever
    nice death site
    my brothers site
    my other brothers site
    Trevs site

    • ~~~HELLO! this is were Horris will keep his weekend shedual things that he did over his sebatical and various occasions!~~~

        11/23/03~~~HELLO! this is horris iam back for this week iam gonna start working on my webpage like every week now because my anus needs a pruning so i cant sit on my anus anymore,any who i this week on my subatical i had some freinds ova and i got some new games and things and that was fun iam on a cocaine substance pill it is dellicious and fun fill anus cream donut...i see a purple monkey i see you i will get you later..... anywho out of that nonsence everybody goto my brothers home page "What the hell" it has me "Horris J. Humperdink" and others that you will find in there...i missed the god damned show it had "Jon Bon Jovi" and known to many othas as "Jesus" well iam off to wax my penis tata!
          11/15/03~~~HELLO! this is horris humperdink say it loud and proud! i love it.. ok this weekend was supendus i have had so much fun i dont know were to begin! well i have spent this whle weekend with my pals "Trevor and Kyle" and some chicks meaays oh yes the chicks very dellicious.. nyway i have had them stay the night and we stayed up all ngiht it is a GOOD THING! then i wento over to a chicks house ans startin saying hello and she said she lvoes me and i have only known her for 5 min! and i ate some chips and that was all and also on the way to the store i got honked at and called a "iceicle" you heard me an iceicle it was dellicious i take that as a compliment and later that night on every night of this weekend i had bug spray and lights so we took it and put it on your hands and lit it and punched eachother in the face cause it diddent hurt cause we were so cold dellicious well i will let you pathetic people who read these go on with you life meaaays tata!
            11/12/03~~~Hello! everybody how are every little boys penis doing today?Good you say dellicious!i could eat every one of you little munchkins just like a pastry crumpit strait out of the pub! anyway moving on i had a dellicous day iam updating my site right now meaays! plus ive ment a wondeful girl she is great hope things turn out dellicous any way everybody knows me from THE NIGEL AND GERALD show futured on my brothers site "what the hell" in my links section it is great download them all or i shall anal rape you! well i wil anal rape you anyway lol ok well off to your lives and off to my toilet!! tata
            • 11/11/03~~~HELLOOOO! this is Horris Humperdink reporting today has been fabulous there has been a change at school for me! meaaays , i able to pass now no matter what woo hoo!! any who today i played on my site and updated a little bit so you can see and here is a list of improvements i will be making!... 1.A comic page 2.A drawing page 3.A game page 4.A people page if anybody has anymore ideas that i should have just e-mail me at ok stay tuned in to the british brodcasting place for more updates tata!~~~
            • LINKS TO MY OTHER PAGES My Pics

              My online comic

              My online Game