.. Just 4 Kids
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Just 4 Kids


Just 4 Kids was created by Kayla Zeifman and Sheena Deline. The main reason for creating this company was to make children happy when there parents go out. The company was originally made in Richmond Hill and is so far a big success. Many people are satisfied with the sitters they get from us. The prices are negotiable but are usually $5 an hour. It is a good price for people with many kids because people usually charge more for extra kids. The ages of our sitters are 12-14 and must take or have taken the St. John's Ambulance Course and have the certificate to prove it. To be in the company tou must first be voted in by the members and than take a test. The test consists of a field test which is when one or two of the original members goes with the person taking the test. The next part of test is the written portion which consists of questions containing different situations and how to deal with them. Check out the three bios below.


Sheena Deline-Sheena Deline is 14 and is going into Grade 9 in the fall. She was one of the two people who created the business.She has taken the St. John's Ambulance Baby-Sitting Course. She has been baby-sitting for four years and knows how to handle most children. To contact her call:(905)-884-5428 or email her at: flash99b@hotmail.com

Kayla Zeifman-Kayla Zeifman is 14 and is the other co-founder of the company. Like Sheena she has taken the St. John's Ambulane Baby-Sitting Course and has been baby-sitting for four years and has dealt with many different situations.To contact her call:(905)-737-5507

Jacklyn -Jacklyn is 13 and going into grade 7. She is one of the three original members of the company. She is one of the most responsible people we know and due to having many hyper cousins that she has to baby-sit often she knows how to handle almost every situation.

Those were three of the original members of Just 4 Kids. To make an appointment call between the times of 10:00am and 8:30pm. If you have any questions about Just 4 Kids call us and we'll answer them. Or if you want to know more about the St. John's Ambulance Course we'll be glad to tell you.
