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w e l c o m e

the mysterious world of

personal profile
words of wisdom
awesome bands
rachael leigh cook

E-mail Jon I.

Last Updated:
January 12, 2004
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This has got to be some kind of record!
Beat that!!

Welcome one and all to JILT's new website!!

This website is basically an extension of my subprofile, which is an extension of my AIM profile.  I just can't get enough.

During your visit here, you can learn all there is to know about my fucked up interests, my crazzzzzzzzzy beliefs (LOL!) and everything else you really don't have to know about me, but should... because... I said so... yeah...

Oh yeah, and if you wanna e-mail me...

The best way to view this website is with Microsoft Internet Explorer (Netscape sucks!) version 6.0 or something like that.  If you are not using 1024x768 resolution then you suck.  If your computer is not capable of displaying 1024x768 resolution then I strongly recommend you steal some money so you can buy a new one.  If you're too scared to steal money, then you'll have to work your ass off for several months doing nothing but whatever your job demands.  If you're too young to get a job, then you're also too young to view this website.  Did I mention that this website contains bad words? Well, it fucking does.  That means that if you're under the age of 15 that I would strongly recommend you close your browser right now.  But I know you won't... because you're curious.  No, you won't find any porn here.  I hate porn.  I know I'm weird, what gave you that idea?  Am I ever going to shut up? Are you ever going to stop reading this?  I could type on and on and on like this and you would read every word of it.  After all, you came this far, why stop now? Now I wonder what you would do if all of a sudden I just stopped typing this really long paragraph.  It would really