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.+~*Losing Grip*~+.

.+~*Im Young and I'm Hopeless, I'm Lost and I Know This*~+.

Okay so this is Jank 1000. Or what was Jank 1000...Matty told me they broke up in August, which really sucks, but I thought they were awesome so I'm still listenin to em.

.+~*i dream that sumday we'll b able 2 luk bak on this 2gethr & say it was 4 the best & that it made us stronger 2day stronger 2 day...*~+.

Hey wuts up? I'm Jess and somehow you've stumbled upon my screwy little home on the web. I'm just gettin started so it reely looks like shyt right now, but hopefull it'll be pretty cool. Although I'll have no idea if it's cool or not unless you let me know. The email's down at the bottom, what the hell do you think it's there for? So drop me a line or two...or 5 or 9. Whatever. Click on the little link thingys to go to the other parts of this site. Read my songs, poems, thoughts, whatever. Every time I update I'll just post somethin on here that happens to be on my mind. There might even be a page called Screwy Stuff, if I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but have to put those comments somewhere. So yeah anyway, enough of this shyt, look at my site like a good little child.
