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january 3, 2005 what's up everybody, this is BRIAN with the first update in almost three months! jeebis has been super busy with several things, but we survived the holidays, and we hope you all did too. PUREVOLUME.COM has been pretty cool to us; you can download our music here, and also be sure to check out my brand new page on there with my solo work. i have one song up there; i played every instrument on it. it's a pretty rough demo though, and i'm currently cleaning it up and adding to it. jeebis is also hoping to finish recording a little album to hopefully release at an upcoming show. until then, hang in there and congrats on surviving 2004. later!

september 7, 2004 Hows it going out there negros. We have a new show coming up on Sept. 26 at Zen in Silverlake(close to Hollywood and Sunset) This show is a big one for us so be there. Its hosted by We have a page on their site so go check us out their. And for any of you who happen to like sushi, Zen is also a sushi bar! and when you come to see us you'll get 50% off sushi. Tickets are $10 and the show starts at 6pm. For tickets visit our Jeebis Page at and make sure you say we sent you. Or if you'ld like you can always buy the tickets from any member of jeebis as usual. Later kids. Dream a good one.

july 23, 2004 Jeebis can now be located at and, so check us out and download some of our crap, cause its cool. OKAY! and now for the good stuff, Jeebis Gig! Chain Reaction August 4th, 7:30. And for God's sake, show up, cause we know you havent been to our other shows, and you freakin owe us for that time we let you borrow $10 for lunch, OK. later. dont forget to write :)

june 29, 2004 Well the Cursive gig doesnt seem to be happening just yet. however tommorow night at 6 o'clock we will be playing at the Placentia Teen Center. The teen center is located on Melrose and Chapman, in Placentia, across from Weinerschnizel. The show is totally free and open to anyone who wants to come. Check it, it could be cool. Jeebis loves you.

june 1, 2004 A big thanx goes out to everyone that came and supported us at Chain last night. Our next gig is going to be either the 3rd or 4th week of july. the venue and price will be announced soon. we do know however that we will be playing with CURSIVE. we'll keep you updated. later fools.


may 18, 2004 Our gig at Chain Reaction is coming up soon. May 31st. we have recieved tickets, and they are $8. The show begins at 7:30pm. Chain Reaction Ok, now that thats out of the way, our drummer Brian is going to be on tv! neat huh? yeah thats what i thought too. He will be on the SEASON FINALE for "Still Standing," On CBS, Monday Night, 8:30 Eastern/Pacific (check your local listings). He will be on the right side of the stage holding his bass trombone. you cant miss him, he looks funny... ok buy our tickets, come support us, we love you, and we love your money. keep it real homies!


may 10, 2004 THANK YOU ALL!! The hogue's gig went great! Because of all your support we have another gig coming up at Chain Reaction in Anaheim on Memorial Day, May 31. I hope to see all of you there. Also we now have a live cd available from this gig. if anyone is interested call or email us and we'll get a cd out to you. once again thanks for your support and we'll see you at chain!


may 9, 2004 Its comin down to the line folks. our gig is tommorow and we still have a few tickets left. help us out and buy tickets and come to our show. we'll be waiting for you!!


may 4, 2004 Hey everyone, tickets for the May 10th Hogue Barmichael's Show are still available, and now through the power of technology you can purchase them right from this website. click the Pay Pal button below to buy online. But as usual tickets are still available through any member of jeebis. but if you dont know us or see us, just send an e-mail to for tickets.


april 27, 2004 GUESS WHAT!.. i actually updated the pictures. granted its not to many but now you can all see sean and andy and soon were gonna have much cooler pics from our gig up there too. arent you glad you checked often for updates. ahh i knew you guys loved us. peace out, and if you dont have tickets to our show yet...what the hell are you waiting for. send an e-mail to for more info and/or tickets.

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april 25, 2004 BIG CHANGE!! the show at Hogue Barmichael's has been changed to MONDAY MAY 10, 2004! Sorry for that but please still come to our show. Tickets are $8 and the show begins at 8 pm.


april 22, 2004 it finally happened. Jeebis finally got a real gig at a club! May 9th at Hogue Barmichael's in Santa Ana. Call or Email us for tickets. we'll be waiting for your call!... and/or email. The ticket price will be available tommorow, so get everyone you know to come see the best freakin show on earth!!! then come see us. peace out fools!


april 17, 2004 yeah so, once again i lied about the pictures but what do you care, if you really wanted to see them you'ld probably have bugged me already. anyway, last wednesday we played a gig at a party. we hadn't practiced in three weeks but we played anyway and it went pretty well. and i havent recieved money from any of you yet, so try to get around to that soon. ok later bastards.


march 21, 2004 Hey everyone. Sadies went well, kinda. We played great but didnt really recieve the reaction we were hoping for. but it's all good. hopefully now we can start getting some better gigs. And we'd also like to give a special thanks to Lenny and Jason Sandoval for letting us use their mixer and speakers. anyway, keep checking back for more updates all you loyal fans out there... i hope your out there...


march 10, 2004 Sorry the new pics aren't up yet, but soon we promise. In the mean time you can check us out at And seriously, we need money, ok? So send us your credit card information and we'll take care of the rest. Peace out fools, old school!


february 27, 2004 New pictures soon to be added to pictures page, we just need to edit out all the pictures of your mom so we dont get sued...ya basta'd. Also we actually have a gig, VHS Sadie Hawkins Dance 3.20.04. Tickets not available through this website or through any member of jeebis, infact you cant actually come if you dont go to VHS, so... screw you!


february 26, 2004 JeEBiS has 2 new official members! Sean Guyer on guitar and Andy Shin on Synth! Neat huh?


july 18, 2003 bios updated...complete for now...links updated...shows page added...sign our guestbook if you haven't already...sign our guestbook again if you have already...


july 8, 2003 bios updated...a little more...


 Ali Vaziri vocals
 Paul Gayron guitar
 Sean Guyer guitar
 Brandon Lucero bass
 Brian Mellblom drums
 Andy Shin synth

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