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Jamie Bond's World
Monday, 22 December 2003
The List

Okay. Because I don’t wanna to get in trouble with some whiny, paranoid, old person. I’m gonna make The List pretty general. Of course, if anyone would like to submit a person’s name to The List. I will be more than glad to post it and wont reveal your name to anyone who may ask. Thank You. Now enjoy…haha!

Bin Laden: I hate this bastard with a passion and I hope he dies a terrible flaming death. I think they should televise his execution so that I can sit and watch while I eat some good tacos from taco bell. And I think that lethal injection is too weak of a punishment for this bastard. I’m talking about strapping him into a catapult and slamming him into a brick wall, or maybe take a small tactical nuclear explosive….and shove it up the guy’s ass! That’ll teach him!

N’ysnc and the Backstreet Boys: do I need to say more? They’re just bunch of gay dudes. And, if you’re a guy and you’re reading this. I don’t even need to explain.

All the communists: any self respecting American will agree that communism sucks and they all need to go.

The guy that washes your windows while you’re at a stoplight in a city: that guy really pisses me because then you’ve got to hold up traffic to pay him, or look like an ass to everyone else near you if you just keep going.

Elmo: that little furry bisexual moron….god, why does he get all the love?

Anyone who drives under the speed limit: I don’t care if you’ve been shot in the foot, if you drive THAT slow, you gonna die, biotch!

Guys that wear the Confederate flag: you lost. Get over it!

The bitches from RICH GIRLS (on mtv): god, arent they the most annoying and whiny girls on the face of this damn universe?! God who cares if u burn a fukin strand of hair?!

Elton John: its over. Its been over for a long long time.

Cyn Rodriguez:Valeria's sophmore stalker. She's a little lesbian that likes to grab Val's tits. Someone needs to put a target on her forhead.

Jassamin Messer:She's a pot head bitch. what more is there to say. she's thinks she's the coolest little girl in the world. She isn't very smart and can entertain herself doing the most mindless things. (like grinning at me in 6th period for 45 minutes) Her only redeeming characteristic is that she's "friends" with a friend of mine, Shayna Crowell.Other than that, she sucks.

The Easter Bunny: For filling our children's heads with disallusion, and for leaving rotten eggs for me last easter. IT WASNT VERY NICE,MR. EASTER BUNNY!

Santa Clause: Ok, normally I tend to keep religion out of this site. There are two reasons: #1, it’s a pretty heavy subject, and i don't think that its really very funny. #2, I really dont' think that it would be very cool of me to make God look bad by putting him on this site which is often pretty offensive. But this is one time that i think God needs to be defended. I hate Santa! I'm sure he's a nice enough guy and all, but damnit, he's taken over a holiday thats all about Jesus! Its a giant birthday party! Its all about how Jesus was born and all that good stuff. Santa had commercialized a really important religious holiday and for that, I hate him. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that I will not send a Christmas list to Santa this year as I have done in the past, but I'm gonna write a letter to Jesus to let him know I think he's doin a good job! Any of you who would like to do the same, send me the letters and i'll make sure he gets them.

All the White Trash that eat at Wendy's: Oh my God. You can't begin to fathom the disgusting things I've seen. These scourges of human existence leave slimey trails of ectoplasmic(if i ever got that word right!) goo where ever they go. I once saw a woman in her 20's take out her teeth so she could eat a frosty. (dry heave) And thats nothing to their children. These unwashed miscreants scream in unintelligable pitches for redundant items such as chocolate frosty's, chilli without meat, and my favorite, cheeseburgers without the cheese. I think I should have veto power over who can and can't get into my store. I think that the sign should be expanded from no shoes, no shirt(for men, of course i aint no lesbian), no service, to include no showering, no smelling of alien poo, no wearing of any kind of bodily fluid and no speaking with your dentures in hand. I have seen horror my friends, and it eats at Wendy's.

**smile, cus theres more to come! u betta be nice to me or ill put your ass on my kill list**

Posted by punk4/jamiebondchick at 1:33 PM
Updated: Monday, 22 December 2003 3:28 PM
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