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LSD Use by Students, 1997:

LSD Use by Students, 1997:
Monitoring the Future Study


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The Acid Page

Lysergic acid diethylamide is a hallucinogenic drug that enhances sense perceptions, produces illusions, mood changes, and sense of time changes. It's almost always taken by mouth in the form of sugar cubes, blotter paper, aspirin tablets, or dissolved in water or alcohol. It has no scent or color, and has a slightly bitter taste. There are different types of acid on the street that cause different effects. Orange sunshine makes everything appear to have an orange tint. Flying pyramid makes objects appear very colorful, and the colors are enhanced by music. Bombers or b-52s are very strong. They make a person hallucinate very bad and a lot of bad trips occur. Windowpane causes no paranoia but has other effects such as hallucinations. Other short-term effects of LSD include not being able to make decisions, seeing geometric shapes, flashes of color appear, halos are seen around objects, and things may seem smaller or larger then what they really are. A person may feel several different emotions at once, or emotions may seem to cross-over like seeing sounds and hearing colors. There are also long-term effects of taking acid. One may have flashbacks or free trips months to years after last taking the drug. These are terrifying experiences and the person often has no idea what is going on. People can also experience long-lasting schizophrenia or sever depression. A person can also have a permanent trip and never come out of it, thinking they're a glass of juice or a carton of milk for the rest of their lives.

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