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dA DaYz!

DaYz TiLl mY gIrL'Z b-dAy
DaYz tIlL mY BoI'S B-DaY
dAyZ tIlL ThE PrInCeSs'S B-dAy


sUP pPlZ!!! FiRsT, i'd lYkE To sAy tHaNx fOr vIsItInG MySiTe aNd tHaT I DuN RiTe lYkE ThIs tHa hOlE Ty,Me bUt i hAd 2 Do iT FoR ThE FiRSt pAgE! *hehe* Alright down 2 buzyness....dis mai pg..not urs! I do respect ur opinions but only if you're brave enough to leave some 411. If u kant do dat 4 meeh shut up & go bout ur buzyness. Second, I ain't so mean I just hate negativity! Third, ya got a problem wit me tell me and I won't kare cuz I'd rather hear it from u. Alright the last 1 wuz kuz sum krappi frenz.

Dis things is unda major construction and I was mad bored so it was just something to do I'm just trying to fill it up wit all the pages and not karing bout tha linkz or effectz now so come baq lyke in a wk, k?


Layout design © 2002
Image courtesy of Boy's Wallpaper Studio.


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