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This site just talks about "INVAZÃO" band.

It’s a band from Brazil that has 6 yeas and playing in underground more parts of Brazil, has several funs in Brazil and South-America. “Invazão” were born in Curitiba city; the “Rock-roll” city of Brazil.  

In 6 yeas for band just played selfish music, because it, “Invazão” worked in selfish publicity, also this group made very stinks and t-shirt send for all parts of the world.  

In all part of the world “Invazão” is know because extreme political band, madding social and political works, against globalization, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and drugs. The band has an internet address at 5 yeas , that having a new face. The lyrics of band talk about, peace are the way for revolution, spiritual freedom. And sing in English, Spanish, Japanese and Portuguese.

   In the new work, album “No Religion” a compact disc with 10 songs and a computer video (All rights reserved - PT 00635/03), that will has distributions in Europe and South-America; but not have in North America yet.

Them if your company wants contact “Invazão” call or write for:

><> Invazão Band <><

Av. Anita Garibaldi, 7500

Cep: 82.220-000

Curitiba – Pr – Brasil

Telephone (If you want call, send your number, and “Invazão” call for you again):   

+55 41 585-4247  /  +55 41 9115-3777  /  +55 41 9185-9136


Musics from the album  "No Religion" (The files be in Zip format "*.zip")

1 - Gemeção    2 - Squander    3 - PxCxP    4 - Cut umbilical Line    5 - Thanks    6 - Chu ei Chu    7 - Eloi    8 - DxRxM    9 - Expresso Decadência    10 - No Religion