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Its not that I cant live without you, but then again maybe it is. But I would rather not have to find out if thats the case. The point is you mean so much to me and I dont want to ever have to be faced with the situation of having to live without you.  

you know....just because other ppl might tell you you are crazy for loving him dont listen cause what do they obviously not as much as you because if they knew how happy he made you and what you see in him and how much you love him and just how you two go together....the last thing like would tell you is your crazy for loving him.:.

Love is something that joins two totally imperfect humans in happiness and makes them perfect. Because alone they were always lacking in one area or another but love fullfills all. Even the darkest voids of the human spirt. And you can search and search for something else but you wont find the same fulfillment there. Eventually you will come back or live a life missing half of you.

Ya LiKe iT?