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A few notes on this web site



  • Breaking it down with Jimmy Cobb

  • People

  • Guestbook Page


    My Story

    Brain Damaged

    Cursing Page

    I Hate

    Pictures of Places and People



    I am...

    Which Survivor of the Impending Nuclear Apocalypse Are You?
    A Rum and Monkey joint.

    Which Genocidal Maniac Are You?
    Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

    Are you damned?
    Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

    You will die a warrior and be spirited away by warbling wenches to the Hall of the Slain. Meat and mead for ever more, well until Ragnarok, anyway, when you will do battle with giants, giantesses, dwarfs, elves and Nidhug, a dragon who likes to nibble trees. Odin is great!

    Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

    Which Evil Criminal are You?

    How dumb are you?

  • My #1 result for the selector, Which Final Fantasy VII character are you?, is Sephiroth

    You Are A Vampire
    Take the World of Darkness Quiz
    by David J Rust

    Clan Gangrel
    Wild and fiercely independant, Clan Gangrel is the
    home of the feral undead. Most Gangrel emulate
    the beasts of the wild, preferring to chase
    down their prey in the open country (in stark
    contrast to the city-dwelling proclivities of
    most vampires). Their avoidance of the
    vampires' ancestral foes, the werewolves, might
    be attributable to their impressive powers of
    shapeshifting. They cannot help but show some
    traces of their wild roots, however, as many
    Gangrel are marred with bizzarre, animalistic

    Which Vampire: The Masquerade clan do you belong in?
    brought to you by Quizilla