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>HI every one this is Danny lindauer the lead guitar player and singer of Ignorant Bliss. I wasted so much time in this band. I wish hadnt! but thats why i writing this now. the members of IB, now one of them had the drive to be in a band. they all wanted to say they were in a band, just so people might like them. so when i came time to write music no one would ever help write anything. the only Songs that were made were made by me and mike wrote 2 guitar parts, but they were copys of blink-182 guitar. they all talked about how cool it would be if we made it big and were signed, but once again they would not contribute to the writing proscess, and they would never even show up for band practice. by the way all my band mates live about 4 blocks away. Sean, a back stabing friend would also want to make almost exact coppys of blink songs. his lyrics were about things he never knew. Mike, well the same can be said about mike, and to tell you the truth hes just not worth writing about anymore. short and simple IGNORANT BLISS is NO MORE!! but im sure they might try to tell you other wise, so be warnd Sean Carter and Mike Ammermen are some of the worst people youll ever come across. BETWEEN SUNLIGHT AND SHADOWS is my new band and there worth checking out. -DANNY