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[Kandi's Site]
[Hey all I'm Kandi and Welcome to my site! I'm just sitting here extremely relaxed. I love that feeling. That feeling of no worries. It's actually something that comes so rarely. I don't even care about anything right now. It's great. Anyways, many people are mad at me and I don't really care. I'm starting to learn a lesson. That lesson is that you can't make everyone happy no matter WHAT you do or how hard you try. THere's always going to be someone pissed at you and you eventually just have to learn to except it without caring. And another shocking thing, I don't care about boys. I'm not even thinking about the sorry excuse for men who put so many women through pain and hurt. Not that I'm a man hater. Actually, I'm a man lover! I just hate the men who are awful to women and undeserving of life. They don't realize how much they need women. Just imagine what the world would be like!!! If men only existed. It would suck and you know it. Plus, men wouldn't have girlfriends, but boyfriends instead. And those boys would get to know the feeling of being pained or hurt, just like us women were. To bad they can't learn the lesson.... and that's all my drama I can express at the moment. Thanks for reading even though what you read had no point at all! ]