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Insanity in a Website

Well hello. I hope you enjoy this site. I might update it so if I don't then you'll get over it. Look forward to (or dread the addition of) poetry, complaints about people that annoy me, or just tales of my average, everyday, warped lifestyle. If you have any suggestions or topics you'd like me to touch on, then let me know. I hope you have fun haveing your IQ lowered. As a close, I will end with a poem I recently wrote. Here it is. Good days, bad days Days when I could die My period causes moodswings That make people cry Some days I want To cut my throat raw Others I want to die Or kill with a chainsaw Don't mess with chicks Who are on the rag You'll get yourself killed And thrown in a bag There's a reason Most chicks don't own a gun They'd be quickly encarcerated And that's no fun I hope you learned a lesson From this poem/song If you mess with a PMSing chick You've done something terribly wrong Ok, so it's not that great of a poem, but I bet you agree with me. Well adios amigos.

Websites that you should visit because I said so.

A great website for useless stories that will increase your knowledge of man kind and decrease your trust for them
Go here and do somthing with your sad pathetic self. Learn music, play music, be music.
this is page two