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My home page...very under construction. Be patient.

Finally getting aroudn to updating my site some more. I haven't done anything on here in a LOOONNNGGG time, not since I left Hicksdale last year. So, I'm on break, I got nothing but time, figured I'd play around with it some more. So as a treat, I put up a new quotes page, and I hope to have some updated pics going up someplace soon. Enjoy.


A bit about me
Posted up some quotes from famous and not so famous alike. Some are funny, some are kinda serious, but all are pretty good. Check them out here
Check out the updated Pics page
Wanna read my random notes, or maybe read someone elses rants? Check out my rants
Just some stuff I've picked up about the going's on in Iraq. Some pics, some humorous, and some not.Iraq (note: Not a damn thing up here yet, I lost all my cool pics. I'll be sure to get some up when I get my high speed net back next semester.)

While you're being patient, check out some of these other sites.
P.O.D. One of the greatest bands ever.
Joe V's Website.
Chris's website
Some's awesome though

ok, it hasn't been totally updated, but I'd still like to add some new stuff. My plan calls for an online directory of names, addresses (email/home/college), birthdays, phone/cell #'s, sexual preference, and anything else you can think of that you'd like to share. Please e-mail 'em to me at the addy below, or follow this link to hit up my form that I just made. Ghetto, but hey, no one's EMAILING ME! Click Here. Chris, if you could in some way enlighten me on how to pw protect a page, it'd be much appreciated.

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Just wanna bitch at me? send 'em here

Useless Junk:

days till we take Mardi Gras by storm. Oorah motivating drill team!


updated 12-29-04