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The obsolete human being

Hmmm... what do you do with a person that has worn out their usefulness? A person who, although they used to be valuable to others, has nevertheless finished that "phase" and is no longer an important part in anyone's life? An odd question, indeed. I still use this computer, truthfully enough. But, as this computer is just a machine, it doesn't care as much that it's an obsolete piece of shit as I do that I'm one. Well, you can't throw me in the trash or use me as a paperweight, cuz let's face it, I'd lose interest. I'm afraid the only step I can make toward being useful is to upgrade... and I've never done that, and I don't plan to. So maybe, one of these days... someone will pick me up, and they'll say, "Hey... somebody threw away a perfectly good human being! I guess it's my lucky day..."