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Hannie8 of T12M

My Favorite Web Sites

wulfram2 what else is there
games to get possessed
helicopter game is also here
wulfram2 search page

things i like about wulfram2

Well i am with the squad The 12 Monkeys of wulfram2 runned by SirTropAlot or as he used to play under YoYo. Yes my brother is Hannibal and we did have a bit of dificulties at the start having 2 seperate accounts on 1 computer. Sadly he doesn't play anymore beacause he lost interest in the game once again like he did 5 years ago along with me. but i am still playing. I am the tracker monkey for the 12 monkeys so if you would like to contact me e-mail me @

also if you want to check out some cool sites you might want to check out
the 12monkeys new site.