
    1.A thug hired to intimidate or harm opponents.

    2.A stupid or oafish person.

    Settled in York Maine, GoonStyle has very little chance for success in the future for talent does not exist. Which is possibly a shame for those who cling to silly dreams of fame and fortune, I myself only care about making a lasting impression of any kind in this twisted universe. Though eventually everything is forgotten and remnants of the past ciese to be, such a goal is foreverly impossible. Thus any satisfaction of a completed goal or a sence of contemtment must come into play in the now, today, or you are living in a dream. We all know dreams are for fools, nobody lives happy, everything is a stress experience. This is a world of twisted turmoil and freakish misery. Don't worry though, for its rapidly coming to an end for you whoever you are and whatever irrelevant ideals you possess on any matter comprehensable. You will ciese to exist, and you will be forgotten. Welcome to the land of GoonStyle, enjoy the ride for its oneway. -LaPointe

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