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Benji Babes *Great Site 4 Stars*

7/22/03 3:15 am

Hey look I am really trying to get this site going, I have tired to get hold of GC twice, first was well nothing and I just emailed them about an hour ago, so I will see where that goes, I have a strong feeling nothing, I am really trying, and just things aren't working, please if you have anyway of getting a hold of the guys PLEASE get me the "hook-up". Well I have

to go, because I can't sleep, and I don't know what else to say. Lates




all i did was on the offical good charlotte site. i didn't put http:// so i need to fix it and in which i did. so it all good now. that all. i will be doing stuff to the site tomarrow hopefully. lates.




ok well i haven't done much to the site yet, but i am trying to get there. i have a request in to get a little information about benji from a really killer site about benji whoop whoop. so i will see how that goes. well if you want to check out the site, it is in the other gc sites and it is called "Benji Babes. ok well i gotta beat the stupid viruse checker thing. lates




People this is my little crappy page of Good Charlotte. wow never would have gussed. Huh. Ok well yeah I will try to get recent info on them. I will try to get better bio's, like from them them selves. *I e-mail them and then see what happens* but yeah. Well this is all I have for you right now, but I will update soon. Lates.


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