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RaNdOm FaCtS


Benji and Joel write songs when they are alone and then bring it to the band. "Luckily they like our song writing so it works out really well."

> "The Festival Song is about doing what you want to do and not listening to anyone around you.. you know the normal... getting a job, going to school... it's about doing the opposite." >

"Festival is about when you start a band and 90% of the people tell you what to do. It's about people doing the things you want to do." >

The Festival Song's bridge is a Sex Pistols take. >

The Festival Song Video Clip was "filmed live in Washington DC home.. in front of 110 000 friends." >

The inspiration for the song "Little Things" came from their experiences.. "High school sucked for us and we were remenissing about it and started spitting out lyrics about our what happened to us in high school and our experiences.. The song is an autobiographical tale about high school years" >

Joel -"Motivation Proclamation is about not feeling motivated and feeling bad about yourself... and wanting someone to come and pick you up. Benji and I wrote it together." >

The hidden bonus track "Thank You Mom: "We thought it was an appropriate way to end our first record, my mom has done a lot for our band. Lit offered us a bunch of shows on their tour, and we had no way to go because we had nothing to drive. My mom gave us her minivan, the only thing she owned, and she walked to work so we could go on tour. There's nothing I could do to repay my mom. She's heard the songs and she loves our music. That's another reason that there's no cursing on our record - because of mom." >

Benji says that one of the songs called "Story Of My Old Man" or "My Old Man" for short, Benji says "That song is about alcoholism really," and Benji who himself is really a recovering alcoholic and hasn't touched a drink in a year (I'm so proud!) "it runs in my family, some got it, some don't, but no one will know unless they read the lyrics" and the lyrics "Monday he woke up and hated life/drank untill wednesday and life his wife/ thursday thru saturday lost every thing/ woke up on sunday miserable again"

Joel's pants fell down during one of the first shows of Warped Tour '02. Everyone saw his Spiderman boxers.

Joel usually sleeps in his clothing that he wears during the day.

Joel had his first kiss at age 16 and the girl rammed her tongue down his throat and Benji had to help him recover

rAnDoM fAcTs