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**FuNny cOnVo**

AndyFlagGreenDay:poser badkitty0990:what?

AndyFlagGreenDay:theyre posers


AndyFlagGreenDay: good charlotte

badkitty:why are they posers?

AndyFlagGreenDay: posers act punk for the clothes

AndyFlagGreenDay : chains

AndyFlagGreenDay : and just to be able to say i'm punk

AndyFlagGreenDay: but they aren''t truely punk

bAdKiTtY0990 : well how would you know they do that?

bAdKiTtY0990: i guess not

AndyFlagGreenDay : their music

AndyFlagGreenDay : its far from punk

bAdKiTtY0990 : but no one ever said it was

AndyFlagGreenDay : they wear punk clothes

AndyFlagGreenDay : then play pop music\

AndyFlagGreenDay: thats posing

bAdKiTtY0990 : those are 2 seprate things

bAdKiTtY0990 : how is it?

bAdKiTtY0990 : do you play music?

AndyFlagGreenDay: yeah

bAdKiTtY0990: dammit

bAdKiTtY0990 : your supposed to say no

AndyFlagGreenDay : i'm a drummer

AndyFlagGreenDay : not only what you play

bAdKiTtY0990 : but ok someone that doesnt play would you know theyre a poser

AndyFlagGreenDay: what kind they listen to

bAdKiTtY0990: them playin music and the way they dress are 2 entirely diffrent things the music they play is the music they play and the way you dress is the way you dress i'm fuckin tired of people judging people in bands i mean no one fuckin judges you as much.....i think u need to get a check on reality not every one is fuckin perfect like you are

bAdKiTtY0990 : no one every said they were punk

bAdKiTtY0990 : its just clothes

AndyFlagGreenDay: they did

bAdKiTtY0990 : why doesnt anyone ever get it

bAdKiTtY0990: when

AndyFlagGreenDay: on tv

AndyFlagGreenDay: and their album

AndyFlagGreenDay:my brother has it

AndyFlagGreenDay: it has 100 reasons why they are punk

bAdKiTtY0990: you probaly have it

AndyFlagGreenDay: the hell i do

AndyFlagGreenDay: i would buy it to burn it

AndyFlagGreenDay: to heat a house

bAdKiTtY0990: that would be wasting money

bAdKiTtY0990: why does everyone judge everyone

bAdKiTtY0990 : and maybe they are punk you dont know the way they act

bAdKiTtY0990: you only know them by their music

AndyFlagGreenDay: what ever

AndyFlagGreenDay: they posers

bAdKiTtY0990: right and you arent?

AndyFlagGreenDay: yeah

bAdKiTtY0990: why dont you let other people judge you instead of judging yourself because you know that most posers say they are punk

AndyFlagGreenDay : i let people judge me

AndyFlagGreenDay: i don't care

AndyFlagGreenDay: i know what i am

AndyFlagGreenDay: i know how i act

AndyFlagGreenDay: if someone else dosnt i just say fuck them

bAdKiTtY0990 well you sit theyre judging other people saying theyre posers but when it comes to you your a punk

AndyFlagGreenDay: i am punk

AndyFlagGreenDay : and punks don't care what other people think of them

AndyFlagGreenDay: they look how they want

bAdKiTtY0990: so how are they not punk?

bAdKiTtY0990:fuckin loser wannabe