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Gone Wrong

||"We've Gone Wrong."||
News, Updates...Stuff.


Hey. A show was cancelled, and a show was added for the same day, but a different place. Yep.

Yay. A link was added. Again, Please DO NOT use the guestbook as an instant messaging service. Your IPs are being logged though, so yeah.

Please do not use the guestbook as an Instant Messaging service. If you need to to say something to the band, please email us, the address is on every page. But please do not leave multiple entries because we have a limited amount of space. Thanks :)

Show was added.

A chat has been added in the Contact section, and a new counter was added. I've been working on changing the site to a address, but yeah, I messed it up. Could be a while. Gone Wrong might have a few shows coming up, so I'll post them as soon as I get all the info.

Group pictures were added.

More pictures have been added...

The guys did awesome at the Valentines Day dance. They might play the next dance too. As soon as someone figures out how to get the pictures from the dance on their computer, I will get them on the site. A guestbook was also added on the Contact page.

New graphic ^^^ It's just temporary, a better one will be made soon... 2.5.03.
Pictures have been added in the Pictures section..

The guys' screen names are listed on the contact page.

The bio page is up. We're still waiting on the individual bios though. If you have any questions or comments, please email Gone Wrong here. Thanks for visiting.

Next Gone Wrong Show: Feb. 14th

all content copyright Gone Wrong, 2003.
