Gleaming Tiger is Closing

hey everyone. I'm sorry but I'm closing Gleaming Tiger. I really hoped to last at least a year, but I couldnt..I made the mistake of not linkin back right away..I made the mistake of putting off until a time when I didnt have much else to do..And even tho I gave a certain person wat they want, rite afterward she wanted something else..And then it probably would have been something else, then something else, then something else, and she'd continuely try to get people against me..So I'm taking the site down and I'm leaving Neopets..Mayb one day I'll come back, but I dont know..I really enjoyed the site and guild, but I cant take the harassment. I also got a new email, but I'm not gonna give that out. If that certain girl is happy about this, fine. Let her be happy..She jst ruined someone's good time. And I dont care..Goodbye..


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