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look at the bios :) sing-a-long :D funkify your fone! dollies!! neopets stuff! Join gc gurlz uk!

Hello! I was lookin on the net
and i couldnt find a gc gurlz
site for the uk! how unfair
for us english gurlz! K a little
bout me. I'm english, I LOVE
BENJI,i h8 most of the inhabitants
of this world and they h8 me but
suprisingly im generally reasonably
happy. My life pretty much
sucks (I'm sooo optimistic). I'm not
a punk i like some punk music but
i spose some people would say i prefer 'pop
punk' (yeah dumass people, its rock dammit
ROCK!!!!)and Good Charlotte are my most
beloved anythings ever I LOVE BENJI.
They are my world and my
everything. I love my doggy,Jake,
(my little babe) I'm ok at skool
and stuff but nothin special. i
hav a band we pretty much suck
lol but ah life goes on AND I LOVE
BENJI newayz sign the guest book
bout how brill gc r or even how
crap they r it doesnt matta i get
it enuf at skool.Jewlz xXx p.s
I LOVE BENJI!!!!!!! lol im so boring

Ok enough about me! if you want
to have a look around its basically
all GC. :) I'm still putting the site
together so it isn't very good at the
mo but its going to improve (hopefully)
newayz look around and sign the guest
book with comments and oh yeh i no i
keep missing apostrophes but i just
cant really be bothered :P yay
woohoo! and so on neway, GC 4EVA!!!!
bi bi xXx

Take a look at the guest book
sign my guestbook with woteva have fun!