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Who Are lincoln?

So this is where you find out about the wacky and wonderful things that the band do and are like. 

Name: Mallory Simone Bulman

Age: 12

D.O.B: 20/03/91

Position in band: Singer (ex Guitar)

Loves: Benji Levi Madden and James

Idol: Benji Madden

Fave food: Maruchan Instant Lunch (Ramen Noodles)

Fave movie: Back to the Future parts 1, 2 and 3

Other Faves: Buying stuff, skateboarding (and falling off), listening to music, singing, hanging out, imagining with Ellen and writing fanfics.

Pets: 2 dogs (Romulus and Remus) 1 evil Rabbit (Ivory)

Holiday: Florida twice and going back every 2 years.

Message: Hello, if your reading this your must know who Lincoln are well yay for you and thanks for visiting this site. You Rock! \m/


Name: Ellen Kate forster

Age: 11

Loves: Joel madden

Fave food: Mexican burritos (yummy!)

Fave movie: Apollo 13

Other fave stuff: Shopping, skating, jumping about, writing underage fanfics, making sites, writing songs, have band practices, playing bass and doing backward rolls.

Holiday destination: France, and err... France.

Message: Hey, I basically make this site and stuff. *Waves at screen* hello if you are reading this because you like us, or if you are curious about us!


Name: Li'l Harry Jenkinson

age: 11

Loves: (watch this space)

Fave food: ?

Fave movie: Jackass

Other fave stuff: Rugby, football, Drumming, smiling, hair gel.

holiday destinations: France, Spain.

Message: *coming soon*



*Tommy's profile coming soon!*

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