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Good Charlotte Quotes

East Coast Life

!Run It Ovr

Gc talking about...Barney! Billy: A big purple dinosaur

Joel: Rubble

Benji: Fife

Paul: Poop

On the topic of secrets: Billy: Oh, this is gonna be good...

Joel: What if we told about each other?

Billy and Paul: Yeah! Yeah!

Joel: Ummm,who wants to do Billy?

Billy: Who wants to DO me? I'd rather skip that one!

Joel: Ummm, I can tell you that Billy loves The Nightmere Before Christmas and he loves peanut butter, anything peanut butter.

Billy: Thats a true statement...

Joel: Was that interesting? Juicey! Juicey!

Benji: Joel didn't kiss a girl till he was...... 16?

Joel: [nods] I didn't make out with one till I was 18....

Benji: Nah... it wasn't that long was it?

Joel: Yeah... 17, 18....

Benji: Ok, so....

Joel: Not that there's anything wrong with that kids. Don't feel the pressure to like.... it's cool or anything.....

Paul: I got you [points to Benji] Benji gets the most use out of the back lounge on the tour bus. [Benji laughs and tries to make a 'Paul's a liar' face, but doesn't succeed]

Joel: [scrunches nose] OH hoooooooohh...

Benji: [shakes head] thats just not...

Billy: I got Paul. On that back use in the tour bus, it's actually them share it together.

Joel: Paul..

Billy: Paul and Benji together

Benji: That just sounds weird.... that just sounds weird....

Joel: I read Harry Potter...

Billy: The secret about Paul, listen, the thing about Paul is, you don't know is Paul is a natural born thug. He's just husslin' and strugglin', thats the life story of Paul.

Joel: Yea, yea.

when a garbage song comes on the radio: Garbage song: Girls....

Paul: Like YOU!

Song: Boys....

Paul: Like ME!

Song: Girls.....

Paul: like JOEL!

Paul: "This is Paul"

Joel "Im Joel"

Benji " And Brad spelt backwards is DARB"

Benji: “I go to take a drink of my uh, “apple juice” and uh as I’m you know…drinking it, I realize everyone’s laughing and it’s, it’s kind of warm.”

Joel: “And it’s not so satisfying.”

Benji: “I drank PISS!”

Joel: “That’s right! He drank urine! Pee-pee water! Fluid wastes! He drank it!”

Benji: “I am an idiot ladies and gentlemen!”

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