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2/14/04: We have another show on march 18th. We're going to try and get some new stuff ready to perform, and maybe even a cover! we won't play first this time, so make sure to catch the show.

1/25/04: Just updated the site, put on a bunch of pictures, so now you can save pictures of us onto your computer, and print them out and put them in your binders, or in your love shrine. whatever...If you have pics, send em to us at 

1/10/04: Well, cuz of snow, we didn't get sell as many tickets as we could have, so it's up to you guys to bring in your money this week, because the show's comin up this friday. It's gonna be WAY better then our last show, so don't miss it!

1/4/04: Happy New Year! a lil late...heh, but oh well. So tomorrow is back to school, make sure all of you who want tickets to our show bring your $5, because it's $7 at the door. This show's gonna rock harder then ever, so don't miss it!

12/26/03: k, so we're playing THE NEW MEOW MEOW on January 16th. with Faded, Not That Ugly, Penny Lane, and some others...make sure to check it out! its gonna be a great show! tickets are $5 again, and you can get em from any of the frisk members. if you are having trouble finding one of us, just email us at 


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