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Pics of me

Ok thats the most recent pic of me. It was taken June 12th 2003. I was talking to my upstairs and they said they had a bunch of old stuff there son had when he was a kid and they gave me these OLD SCHOOL fold up Ferrarri Glasses. Naturally I jumped at my webcam and Took a pic with them on. There HARDCORE!!

This was taken On the last week of May 2003. I was bored out of my mind at my grandfathers so I whipped out the old digital camera.

This pic was taken like a day before christmas eve 2002.

And that is the 2nd most recent pic taken of me...

Ok this was taken on Labour day '02 at my boat. I was pretty drunk and got quite alot of sun during the day.

At this point i was having trouble walking... or standing for that matter. so i found it comfortable on the ground and Chris joined me.

Ya WAY!!! to much sun!

This is my eyebrow ring i had it from The last day of august till about september 15th. Had to get rid of it or I would be banned from the car. Sooo eyebrow ring. or not having to walk EVERYWHERE hmmm.

(Left to Right) Chad, Me, and James. This was some time in the summer when we all crashed at james. I just got off work and came over as u can see by the Zellers shirt. lol

Yea this was a mistake.. Bleached yellow hair. I dont like wat i looked like with this colour. Red looks ALOT better!

Ok the next 2 are just pics I took when i first got my digital camera and was fooling around.. God i look like a little kid in all my pictures.
