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ARG!!! Pirate Kathleevil's New Blooming Homepage

Arg! This be Firstmate Kathleevil's blooming pirate page. It'ain't the best webpage out there, but us pirates aren't what ye would call technology savvy due ta spending most of our time killing and stealing and whatnot. The fact that I managed ta get a website up as it is is something in itself. So t'ere! Say anyt'ing against it and I'll run me cutlass t'rough yer gizzards like the spineless lilly livered coward that ye are! ARG!!!!!!!!!! Although, if ye do choose fer me ta gut ya, I'd prefer ya bring a tarp wit' ya. I'm a clean pirate and I'd prefer to clean up da mess, and trust me, dere will be a big mess. Ya can't get over da clean pirate thing, eh? When ye think pirate ye think of some great big, stinky, hairy brute, don't ye? Well, I ain't! Neit'er is de rest o' my crewmates! The name o' our pirate ship is da Topinstb, which is an acronym fer 'The Only Pirates In Nova Scotia That Bathe'. We're cleanly pirates and we're keeping it dat way!!!!!

Me favourite things abou' bein' a Seadog


Me shipshape guest book. Sign it ye cur!
Some info abou' me...
Ta keep an idiot busy fer 'ours, click 'ere...
Me friends' websites...
I entertained myself with this one.
Naked pictures of me...
