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All information here is a Copyright of Fineprint, if any of it is reproduced or copied in any way, it could result in a Legal Lawsuit. Please don't be an idiot!
[FP Main Headlines] -
Updates to the Site - Andrew
The Band Bio's, Band Sites, Band Member Sites, and a Gig information has been added to the site. So go check them out! They aren't much, but they should keep the site going for now, i'll add more stuff as i get it finished. Kent and his brother will probably be helping, so look out for Dane and Kent!

Fine Print Website Started - Andrew

The new website for our band has just started, we will be updating it quite often with a variety of information on our bands news and information... We are a very young starting band, but we plan to become successful later on in life from this great experience. The band consists of 4 members [Andrew (me (drums)), Kent (bass/vocals), Brandon (lead guitar/vocals), and Anthony (rhythem guitar/vocals)]. We play lots of new rock covers mostly. And we love to cover theme songs, they are our favorites. Well hope you enjoy our website, Later.