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June 18th 2003: Release show tonight, 7 pm at the Climax lounge. Im WAYYYY excited to get my hands on a copy of the new CD. Ill post with a review by tommorow. X shannon X
June 11th 2003: New Mp3's are up. have a listen. June 9th 2003: Ok the realease show is on the 18th, not the 17th. And on Fears website, there are some new pics. please e-mail me if you have any fear pics I could use. Thanks. x shannon
June 1st 2003: I've gotten SO many pictures of anatomy lately that i decided i would put up a picture section for them also. So yea, check those out.
May 29th, 2003: For all of you who don't know yet. Fear's first and highly anticipated full length is out on June 17th. Im counting the days until then. A realease party is set the next night at the Climax Lounge in Denver, CO 2217 Welton St. @ 7pm. Anatomy of a Ghost will be heading here to play and also Everyday At Siani, another great band. It's gonna be a lot of fun so if your in the area I would highly recommend stopping by. Also Fear's website is being updated and revamped to go along with the new album so go check that out. They are putting up three new mp3s from the album sometime over the next week. x shannon
May 28th, 2003: Alright well I've got a few things goin the links up and running. Check out any of those bands you havent heard yet. Saw Fear last night with Anatomy of a Ghost, Evanstar, and Fallen Stars Forgotten. It was a GREAT show. They'll be heading out on the Salt the Earth tour in a matter of days. Heres the dates for those:
6.3.03 - Omaha, NB / The Ranch Bowl 6.4.03 - Des Moines, IA / The Reverb 6.5.03 - Columbia, OH / Club Shattered 6.6.03 - OFF 6.7.03 - Warrensburg, MO / the Setlist 6.8.03 - Dallas, TX / Across the street bar 6.9.03 - Houston, TX / Fat Cats 6.10.03 - San Marcos, TX / Lucy's 6.11.03 - San Angelo, TX / The Hangar 6.12.03 - Dallas, TX / The Curtain Club 6.13.03 - Texarkna, AK / The Living Room 6.14.03 - St. Louis, MO / Lemp Arts center 6.15.03 - Springfield, MO / Billiard's blue room 6.16.03 - Farmington, MO / Bob-a-rinos 6.17.03 - Kansas City, MO / El Torreon
gonna post some pics in a little bit. and if you havent already seen the new album cover for Odd how people shake heres what it looks like:
May 27th 2003: Hey guys, I noticed that fear before hasn't (suprisingly) hasnt had any fan sites popping up. Or at least any that I have seen. So i decided what the hell I'll make one. Also with them being on tour so much it can be hard for them to update tour info and news so I figured I could talk to Brandon, Dave, or even Garrett and keep you guys updated. Ok well thats all for now till I start getting all the links and pics goin. xxx, Shannon

links to pics, music, and other good bands.

hot hot heat
the blood brothers
bright eyes
remember maine
armor for sleep
faster avenue (local)
gatsbys american dream
a call to arms (local)
evanstar (local)
the distance (local)
everyday at siani (local)
dulled rose thorns (reviews, pics
fallen stars forgotten (local)
absolute punk
