i remember u once wanted all our emails, but i didnt have all of em in fact i accidently deleted some of the middle ones i think, but heres most of them, im the red ones and yours are the blue ones, see colour coded just for u , if some are missing, dont blame me, i just work here!

(starts July 6th 2003)


well helllloooo there little bindi,

how are you on this just darn jolly and fine evening, obviously bored as usual and your wondering "why the fuck am i in this shity town" and the answer is cos your not here or anywhere else for that matter.
so yes im bored, your most probly bored, did an exam 2day, probly passed cos im such a genius (your thinkin, ah hes just a fuckin tool) and im going to see the cunt tree week retards next week and laugh at how shitty they are. awe i was doin my drama class the other day okay, and my faggot of a swedish teacher (sven sorenson) needed to do an irish accent to show the class his vast and elaborate vocal abilities, and when he did it he sounded like a russian aye , so i being a quick witted punk who doesnt think b4 he speaks shouted in MY irish accent " the only vocal technique u have is deep throat COCK SUCKING!" then i walked out of the class and dropped it, so i dont do drama n e more, put him 2 shame.

and im goin on a geography amp after the holidays, to some hilbilly infested village, so im packing the spud cannon (not an alias for nething, an actual spud cannon, i no how u think) for fun and a whole lotta bundi rum, hahaah bindi - bundi, bundi is my favorite drink with coke, apart from my trusty guinness, well gotta go, im missin ya like that wallabies rugby conversion kicker.


marky mark mark marrrk !!

how are you little bitch ?? well im glad you and your drama teacher get along .. minbe is a stupid crazy cos ... shes thinks shes hot shit and shes "got the 4 1 1 on todays youth" .. her name is mrs mcfarlaine .. man we have soem funky assed teacheres at school this year .... WELL !  if you think you're such a genius i have gotten the highest mark out of our year for every YES EVERY ! english thing ive done !! sopo there. . did u see the people belonging to the tribe of the cunt tree?? and im sorry but noo they didnt suck .. soccer boys got to the grand finals and lost by a golden goal .. ou soccer girls were the FIRST TEAM EVER in cunt tree history to win more than one game .. they won 3 and drew 2 and i dont know how many they lost ... obviouslt the minority i dont know hwo everyoneesle went .. basketball were the camps .. netball werethe champs .. part from that fuck knows !! so hwos damo going ?? is he still a navy boy ??? i said something about you in class the other day and mrs zemunick was like where did those boys ever go !! ooh guess what !! new boy friend ... 1st one this year !! guess ?? ahh youll never guess ... anways ... i watched the rokie this morning ... ehh borrring ...ummmmmmm not muchelse is going on .. but hey its hedland !!! ahh its notthat bad here .. im having fun !! and thats all that matters !!hehehe !!


lots of love !!


xx bindi oo



you have big cunty lips

( like corridor of that show .. with the plastic people .. plasmo ?)

and you smell liek a big cunt

(ommiting cunty smells )


anwyas you are a cunt beacue you never reply to me !


so go be a cunty mc cunt cunnnt !

well sorry oh master, but i wasnt not replying, that would be stupid, i was ignoring u,

na only joking

(fucking around with thee)

well carrot woman how have u been (and calm down with those female sexual organ remarks) they're gonna get u lesbianly attacked!

OIII MAN UIM SOOOOOOO BORED !!! first dsaY BACK AT SCHOOL .. I WAS HELL KNACKERED ! umm yeah apparently u rang . but i lost ur number so yeaaah hows perth ?? i talekd to jake wood the other day mmm oi im comming to perth soon for young achievers .. some time in August !! hha broke up with raimie ! that one lasted long ! hahaha im listenign to franco un american !! i was goign to analyse that song for english cos our stupid teacher is amaerican but i did no cigar instead !! so i heard monkeys started flying outta your butt the other day ??? mmm hows stuey ! haha we all think heas going to be a little hottie ! is he still surfing ?? is he in high school yet ??mmmmmmm oooh spinafex spree is cumming up soon hey ! haha somethign to doo !! finallly ! anwyas !@! lots of love !!
cya bebe !!


yes well, RAIMIE , fuk that was unexpected. my phone is 92060821. yeh franco un-american is an awesome song, i did my english exam on that, but i only got about  50% for it. the video clip is hell good aye, its all cartoony n shit. oh i was watchin the tv, flickin through the channels and i saw Nur, Leya and Kim on that nerd show! now that will be awesome when you come down here, what did you do for that YA thingy? oh yeah stues still goin, so am i sort of, cos its getting fukin cold, and everytime i get in the water i cant feel my fukin legs, oh and last week it was so fukin cold that i got dunked and didnt notice i had a piece of coral in my shin. Or maybe im just mental, hahaha" if its a severed head im goin to be very upset" glad to hear that u grew a brain in english, oh and if you want to get extra marks cos shes american, If the topic is Antiamericanism say that the people leading the way are Howard Zinn (anti impearialist) and michael moore (wrote Stupid White Men (anti Bush book) and directed, wrote, produced "Bowling for coumbine") youll get shit loads of marks for that shit there, cos i read and watched all tht shit, Moore's a funny fucker. newy i got 2 go 2 school now cos i start late 2day, so you have a good one, miss you fckin amazingly to the point of no returnly heaps... JOKE (you may have heard this) ............................................ this guy walks ito a bar and says AAAAAAAAHHHHHH fuck that hurt!!!.

Another joke

this guy walks into a shop to get some mineral turpintine, and he asks the shop owner for some, the shop owner replies "na you look like a fukin drongo, you want to drink it", then the guy says" na im renevating and i need turps to lift the paint" owner replies "no bullshitting , you tellin the truth" he goes "yeah" "how much bottles do ya want" says the owner, "2 please, for both storeys" says the guy,  "Okay, ill get them from out the back" says the owner and the guy replies, "can i have them from the fridge?"

AYYYYE BLOKE !! yeah well we come on the 24th .. or thats when the trade fiar is .. so you know well prolly be htere onthe firday befroe then !! im gonna get my tongue periced there  haha cos dad cant stop me if im in perth ! haha soo yeah YOU BETTER COME AND VISIT ME !!!  haha yes raimie ! haha very unexpected ! but you knowwhat im like ! hahahah i still cant belive it hey ! but were over and good ! so there !! umm we made a pilbara survival book !! u betetr buy one or ill whip your ass !! theyre pretty good hey !! man im having the best week hey !! ive seen bowling for columbine ..but i saw it on a planer at very late or very early oclock so i was kind of dozing in and out but yeah do you rmeber the bit where he just walkis into canadian houses and that guys like "do u wanna knock" ahhh yeah this bitch is crazy hey !! i miss surfing !! its still ocld here !! this is the longest and coldest winter ever !! ive scammed junstins jumpoer ive had it for a month now ?! poo thing is prolly freezing his little tits off ! ahh man joel is leavign to bunbury :( we got hell close hey !! downerer !! but it gives us a reeason to go and get drunk and fairwell him !! annnways !

gotta go clean clothes and all that shit @@

cya babe !! lots of luv !! tell stuey i say hiii @!

!! Xx bInDi oO


JEEEZUS ! dont bust your vocabulary or any thing .. thought you might have straind a finger writing that much ~!! i dont have a new mobile number .. it's still 0421 476 039 .. how ever im out of xcredit .. but there this wierd guy buyign me credit 1 haha i have so many stores hahah so much shit has gopne on .. always im in perth this friday ! so yeah .. also i hear your dad is in town ?? why arent you with him yuo little piker ??

ahh well !! have a good one !!

xxx bindi oo

Yeah my dad is in town , who told u? how do they know? neway i will be seeing you this weekend, cos i havent seen u in fuckin donkeys years, and its pissin me right off. i saw american pie 3, its fuckin funny aye, stifler eats shit, dances with a gay guy, has sex with some1 that is nasty even to think about, and ye its got a pretty good topless chick scene. well i enjoyed it, Oh theres anew pennywise album coming out sept 9 and its fukin awesome, aaaaannnnnnnd i strongly reccommend u get this song: AFI - Girls Not Grey that is a killer song, well i just came home from school and i gotta make up a speech about american imperialism and its effect on all classes of american society, and quite frankly i cant be bothered.

a couple of jokes, cos i cant think of anything to say:

How do you tell the Irish pirate?  He's the one with patches over both eyes.

why are the irish so dunb, so the rest of the world can understand them!!!!

ahh you know ! ive got my spies and all that shit ! haha .. yeah i heard bout the new pennywise ablum in the epitaph n/l ... but im a cheap ass with no money !! howwever im goign shopping this weekend !1 lash out !! ehh i have an essay to do for english .. a peotry anayliss .. i did the 1st half and its good .. but i cant be fucked with the rest 1 but hey ill live ! yeah we're going tp see american pie this friday SO THANKSL FOR RUINING IT FOR ME !  ahahah nah its all good .. oh and by the way im loving those creative messages your sendnign me hey . the whole bindi sux thing !! greaat and also i belive it is you who is sucking becasue you called me at lucnh ! tryign to be sly and get me in trouble ! it was on dsicreet any way !! soo sucky mc suck suck !1 im goign to og and eat some thign .. seeing as that is all i do these days !! ahha youre scared now arent u !! think ive become a big fat blob ~~!  ill leave u with that thought !

well okay, ummm action aye, ur gonna be so unhappy there but hey u gotta start sumwhere. see theres a certain way in  action, chicks do nuthin BUT checkouts. its as boring as a dog trying to whistle. Oh and i guarrentee that there will be many sexist attitudes towards u (even though u suck). WELL enough said, umm dont go to vollyball, its too much hard work. enjoy the cool program BEER. Get this i got an A- today on an english speach about Wayne's World.

why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other side.

why DIDNT bindi cross the road, cos the chicken said "YOU SUCK!"

that last joke is gay and incorrect id go kick that chickens ass and make chicken soup cos thta chicken is sucky mc suck suck !and if the chicken is actually a symbol for you then it is u who is sucky mc suck suck ! once again i say YOU NEVER HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE TO SAY !  im a big gbirl ././ well nto really but i kick ass i dotn give a fuck what they say to me !1 im all happy snappy ! and im happy to be a checkout chick as long as i get some fuckn money ! yeah man i didnt go to volley i just fucked round with rashid !~! haha "keepign it real on the rpetty pool streets u know" heheheh ahh im so hardcore hahahahah

oOoOoOI !  i cant d/l yesterday by pennywise anywhere !! maybe its due to the lack of album realeasness but i want ti cos u talekd it yup and shit cos uif u have an mp3 would be very much apriceated !! ps !! i started at actijion today ! ehehe

well happy birthday tomorrow, unless u r reading this 2day (being tomorrow from the day i had/am sending it, if that makes sense) then happy birthday, since today (being tomorrow) is the 23rd, (today is the 22nd) so yeah have a good one, it would have been easier doing this tomorrow (from today, 22nd) because that is the 23rd and i wouldnt have to go through this trouble by saying happy birthday. oh and jonny wilkinson is chronically and therefore perminantly constipated, in fact all conversion kickers have something wrong with them , like the argentinian who practicly falls asleep and the french dudes jaw pops out, how ever if you look at the irish O'Gara (whom i happen to know the brother of) has no defects what so ever and just lines up and kicks, no wierd rituals that put them in the lower order of evolution of apes, but a nice kick, thats all it fucking takes. ill shutup now, and yesterday i blew a tyre in my car from a burn out, which was quite a fuuny site. and just so u know, u dont suck...
u really fucking suck,
well luv ya heaps but face it u suck, just say it to yourself "I REALLY FUCKING SUCK".
enough of the bullshit,
oh a fun fact from the Toys'R'Us world, recently a catalogue was sent out and it featured a black and a white babyborn dolls, the black one was $30 and the white was $35, they were exactly the same.
have a good one.

(NOTE: if you want a good song to listen 2, go for Pennywise, "god save the usa", "falling down", "look who you are", "waiting"<--- this one can be gotton (if thats a word) from the pennywise site. later.)


hey well u suck cos i am readingthis today .. todaY being the 22nd and yeh ... man work was fuckin crazy today our eftpos and credoiit broke down on a fuckn saturday 20 mins b4 closing FUCKN CRAZY barad was runnin for eveery register having to do manual credit things and this one chick went off at me and he was standing behind me and got all defensive ways liek she cant do any thing and i was like awww hahaha and fuckn rgby OH MY GOD  that last 20 \minutes i was cryign and laughin and joying for joy and ahhh man it was crazy fuckn johnny.. i reckon englad should be team wilkinson instead of the freakin lions .. he got like 98 % of thier goals or some crap // but hes hott ... umm and robinson .. i think that was him . he was actuaLLY  a pretty good player on the nelgish dside .... but mannn was so crazy i cant belive it hey ... fuckn sailor played a pretty crap game ! ahh well next year () and by that i mean 4 years but it soudns better saying ext year ) ahh so disapointed hey ... ahhh welll imm off cos i have 9 missed calls from ivan and im feeling bad haha


hi havent talked in ages just wondering what u r up 2, and how life is treating u etc. and are u still coming to perth? well in my case life is pretty ordinary, getting drunk is boring and a waste of money lately, the only interesting thing ive been doing is the occaisional bodyboard and going 2 the movies. exciting huh. oh i bought awesome shoes, Vans oldskools with skulls on them, they're pretty cool. neway your in sydney right? well have a good time there and get pissed like you've never been pissed b4 cos its the only thing, apart from "otherthings", that life good for. oh and one final thought when you eventually go for ur drivers license make sure u book a test about a month before u want to do it cos i booked mine like a month ago and its booked for the end of this month, damn the fucking government and their lack of organisation/efficiency. fuck im bored.

hey hey !! yeh great tpo hear from you .. was htinking of u a week or two ago .. did i call u new years ?? i dontremeber  man new years was MADDDDDD  i got soo sloshed hahaha but na hwas great ! havin a blast here spending ALOT  of money ! doing all the fun stuff !! was goig nto see pennywise yesterday but didnt get roud nto it ..so ive got ticketes for reeel big fish on the 9th !! every hting is pretty much kicking ass .. i have crazy blisters from the fucking high heels ive been wearing but hey u getthat when you;re short !!1yeh i jnow the shoes youre talmking bout .. ive seen them aroud na bit .. and all the other prints .. my bro got ones with palm trees on them !! mm i can smell nice food ! guess what ~sydney si sooo mcu hbetter than perth haha abut yeh ... freaking metro sexuals is so confusing .. for every punk or goth there is in perth there are 3 mertos here !! its so crazyyy !!!! so hwo is ti not being in school ... are u doig nany hting .. goign to uni . how did u do t  e  e wise ? ahha man he best shirt today .. it said jesus is my home boy .. but it didnt fit me ! :( was too big :( but it happens ~~~~! ãnwyas hope you;e going great .. yeh i come to perth after sydney !

mmm i  was justhtinking .. its kind of wierd what we have going on ... i cantbelieve we went out .. it seems so wierd .. like hell far away haha sorry im  rambling . .but i dont know some hting feels wierd haha .. thats nto a bad hitng i m just tripping out sorry hahaha


lots of love !

 say hi to tuey for mee !!!

see u soooon

mmmm ugly ducklingare mad !! have u heard any thing b them . .actully uo probably wouldnt liek thm but theyre pretty funky .. goig nto see area 7 and reelbig fish tonihgt 1! umm yeh just saying hii 1!

hey whats happening, and about those sunnies, if they break its okay, cos ive broken them before, as u can c. On another note here are some quotes u might find interesting:

"Best friends are the ones who bring their own beer" < My English Teacher

"Goon tastes like wine" < (a stupid slur of speach from me when i was pissed)

haha yeh theyre a bit on the dodgy side ! but sunnies none the less .. do u want em to send them down to u ? cos i fel bad hey .. my bro was sliek where did u get arnettes from ! haha told him they were yours and he just laughed at me ... tell you who i really like .. smashing pumpkins as of a few months ago they are my new favouritte band ! theres this shirt and it just says smashng pumpkins onthe fron and just say maybe on the back .. i fully tried to huint it down in sydney but coudlnt get it in my size ! but honestly hey theyr e like life changin music ! haha yeh ! was great to see u !!!!!!!!!! good luck ... like in general with life and tafe and all that hey


did i reply ??? i dont remember .. so was that test accurate for you .. was me and wasnt ... i think its kiNDA A LUCKY GUESS ON BEHALF OF THE TEST.. shit is that 70's show on tonigh ... ill go check
.. no ~! its not stupid tennis is on .. but queer ey is one so ill settle for that

mmm talking to too many people to make this e mail meaningful ... but then again i think e mails kind kill all the atmospere .. same goes for text messages and all that ... nothign really has the same effect unless its said in person .. did a very stupid thing last night and got with raimie ! ahh whyy ! but yeh .. everything soudbs stupid if its said in text ... hmm maybe its just me ! got really stonned last night and ate WAYYYY TOOO MUCH fooood ! but all goood .. whoa man jake is a bit of a sporty mc sport now isnt he !!!!! mm yeh evrlast are mad ! have u gheard much by them ! theyre crazy !! good stufff !


mm anyways ebay calls !!!!!!!!!!!! nah not really im goign to go stick picture on my wall .. fuck it looks mad ill have to send you a pic hey !!


lots of luv !

hey, do u remember the conversation we had last night, not my selfemotionalwakethefuckupandstopfeelingsorryforyourself one, the one where u rung me, u probly dont cos u were smashed or sumthing, but hey it was a cool conversation about chestnuts and acorns. well the other one we had was good i guess, but i didnt tell u the "whole" story, which i will tell u personally like not in an email, so yeh, thanks for listening tho.

ahha i do ,... semi ... i rmebr getting biten by things ansd tryig nto be quiet .. thats botu ti .. threw up soo many tiems last night .. and toiday at work 1 was very clasy hahhaha yeh nah your welcoem hey .. i cant belive i caleld u .. cos i\lie i remebr callign all the a mnames but yours is under sumtnihng startin with lil .. so i  mean i dont know how i got that far into the phoen book heheh ! annnywaYS IM FELIGN SEEDY SO YEH ! CYYYA

hey umm look im writing this just to ask u a simple question, how do u not know me, like 3 years, apart from me not showing how i feel, all that time was me, the real me, or maybe im just being an idiot, or maybe im just dull and boring?

Nah you're not dull and boring ... maybe i know you but i fel liek i know someone hwo isnt you ?? i dont know .. or maybe its i think you dont know me ....but it doesnt mater because  we alwasy have fun togetehr so thats all good

did that just send ?? i dont know ?? was a bit nasti .. mayeb tis a good thing if it didnt send ! hrmm ill let fate decide

sorry about the nastiness, didnt really mean it, fine we'll let "fate" decide, if there is such a thing, anyway i have a movie to attend to so

did u geget my other e mail ??/ that wha ta was wondering ??? hrmmm

well its been a while since i said that, punkfatfellatio haha what a name, well anyway im writing this to brag, thats about it, see i just learned how to play normal guitar so yeah i can play like 6 instruments now, fuck that rocks, but who gives a shit right. well im bored and i have to get up at 6:00 tomorrow and go to tafe, i hate the tuesday morning class, it sucks dick, cos im naturally lazy.  u can be right if u want to, i give up, but u still suck. oh and i was watching home and away 2nite (dont really watch it much) and this chick got naked and started running through the bush, it was funny, and highly unexpected, and i saw that britney spears clip, it was to say the least, quite entertaining. i see why u like it, being a lesbian ... joking dont prank, kill, or hurt me please, have fun in engish lit! studying the intimate emotion shared between the swaying blades of grass, thats what u do right? stupid stuff that stoners come up with?

hellllllooooo !! well i am i na very dandy moood !! annnd ill have u know that i used yuour e mail as my msn nick for a while but u didnt come on .. so u didnt seeit and now i belive iwil;l be changing it .. yeschanegd goen done perrrnish ! itrtained today !and it was a wednesday everyoenwas very jopyusand the matt dann guy gave me all thease littlejam things .. butthey were offf ... so i gacvetyhem to everyone haha aND they ate it hasha and someoen was liek i bet tos pff haha and i laughed !! ahhh such a rebel i am hahaha .. ye punkfatfellatio ! u little rebel u !!! also very proud of your guitar abilitiers !! i habve no new skills 1 haha oi i ssaw that home and away too .. liek that was the only bit haha and i got to school and alison goes i can imagine u doing that !@ haha ./. but soo true!! hahah haha i didnt say i liekd the clip !1 just the song haahah so damn catchy ! but yeh its odd hey haha .. damn u for comming online!!!!

bye byyyye

yeh i just found out what i wrote last night, (tempory internet files) plus i remembered a bit of it (have to give my brain some credit), yeah so why did u start that "hacking" again? if u dont want to talk about it thats okay, but anyway umm u no that fucking new limp bizkit song! the accustic one that just shits me, they stole one of the greatest songs ever written (was written and performed by the who) and they made it suck cos they have taken all the classiness and meaning out of it! it was originally written because the who were like one of the first bordering punk bands and their acceptance into the music industry and fame was like really tough, and no one wanted to know who they were because they were making teenagers of the time "rise up" and have some fun! well that just shits me, and yeh i dont know what else to say now cos my bro is trying to play my bass but he cant even lift it, i lost my rythm cos it looks so funny! theres a thing called a strap, hes an idiot.

yeh its a good osng ! but i rremeb finding out about that around christmas and i was like oh the betrayl ! but all good ! uill explain the whole hacking reget thing later. . when can like .. lash out u know .. cos its better thanu giving u some half assed meaningless answer

umm yeh ill call u or something and we'll talk cos my parents allways want to use the fucking phone, so yeh hastle free convo hopefully! and that passions show, fuck thats funny! just like all the other crappy daytime tv shows, like oprah shes cool, and dr phil. have a good one or two or three and so on...

mrs rhodes dresses liek a skank hahaha ! yeh give us a call one day .. doing n o where nar as much homework asi should be ! drama is mad fun ,, my fav subject at the moment .. did fatty tell u bout the fire twirling .. he and i were doing it heaps when he was ther .. and ive been parcticing and drillingmyslef in the head a fiar bit ! its mad fun hahahah

well thanku very much for ur sms, made me happy, i needed to hear something positive for a change, im gonna have a good pats day, and u should too, for its the day everyone is irish :)

i had kis me im irish painted obn my arm and i got 3 kisses ! mind u two of them were from girls hahahahh
ahh im sop sutffed 3 hours country wek training ! ima die !

cyya ! hope ur havig na great time !

hey thats a good frenzal song, not as good a never had so much fun, but good, im really bored so thats why im writing an email, im not saying this email to u is adding to the boredom, or is the boring thing, k ill shut up im dribbling, oh and ive realised something, i, use, a, lot, of, commas! i dont think i ever use full stops, eh who gives a shit, and its pennys bday today and i was supposed to go out to the city but some cheap ass fucknut, cockhole, cunty cuntison esquire has stolen my wallet, with my fake id that used to be my bros, so im fucked, and bored and i still havent used a full stop! hey i want a kiss me im irish shirt, haha that would be cool, if it works like it did 4 u, then the chances for me are 1 in a million<-- but theres still a chance! i better give up writing now b4 i really start dribbling shit, miss u have a good one. <--- A FULL STOP!

you can get them .. from america . where i got my mad shoes from ! i have to show them to u ,. next time your online ill send u the pic .. but they have kiss me im irish shirts aat www.hottopic.com and kiss me im irish patcghes and badges and ones that say kiss me im punk .. but your i thought you were 18 alreayd and i was like hey why do u need id .. but then i remebred u finish school when your 17 and yeh click ! i quit action and got a job at katz .. 10.50 an hours so im hppy beaats my 6.46 hahaha ! soo shit mm my arms hurt so im gonna go !!

www.jumpzone.tv <--- thats what i wanna be ! yeh i use lots of ocmmas to its easier .. ro i just dont puncutate

speaing of which i ate a whole red chilli, seeds and all, damn it was hot! anyway, i havent talked to u in ages, so yeh i was wondering if ur okay and stuff. and im okay so yeah, everything with me is cruisin along at a fairly linear rate, so yeah, u can obviously notice im bored shitless! no bands, no concerts, no good movies, no good parties, im fucked... hope ur haven a good time and not in a dilly of a pickle

yeh all is welll .. just got back form hoecky .. im fucked .. have to go and perform tonight .. you should learn to make your own fun .. my mum used to always ay that to me and i hated it .. shed be liek ge ta hoby but tis so true .. should entertain yourself umm yeh all is good i have an itchy nose and funk music is coool .. anwyasi m off to shower cos i just got home and i smell cyyya

im bored and yeh i got homre from drama it was ok cept the technician is so crap and fully stuffed up our whole thing but we managed to do alright and im listengi n to a really ashit osng and yeehhhhh .... hrmm ice cream would be good right about now

so what evr happend withthe phone girls hey ?? oh how i love music ! it is the v ery joy of my life hrrrm i had a mad convo with my mum this monribng aye hahas this guy camrround last nigth and shes like bindui he looks love sic but nah we had good laughs umm andi have too much chocolate and i got styung by many jellyfish in 80mile but i got a mad tan so im happy !! and umm cat empire are mad and hilltop hoods and hrrm everyone .. music is so joyus aNd that song on one of the punkoramas betetr be woman .. by umm somethign dwarves .. i forget cos i dont have it wirrten on my minidisc .. so whats new ??? all is well?? damo still un engagaed ??? stues still small?? dog still fat ?? u still small? hehehe ummmm yeh mmm im making a cake ! cos its michelles birthday .. mm cake mmmmm hrrm i think i gotta work at action today thou and katz ttomorrow effort man ! and do a few essays on the side oh the joys .. ithink i might stay in perth after country week hey .. we;ll se .. ~~~ anwys hope youre all goood lots of love !!!

well ill answer  that phone girls question, i still havent met them IN PERSON (IVE SEEN PICS), but i got the phone number of two, stacey and elana, their both really good looking, ive been talking to them, but unfortunately they are both heading to my dreaded doorknob section, for example i was talking to elana the other day on the phone and she had the mind of a ditsy californian chick, but aussie, it was wierd, so daves gonna introduce me to the other two at a party and see if they qualify (okay that sounds shallow, see if they are what im looking for would be more appropriate), speaking of which, who is the most shallow guy u have ever met? i dont think shallowness can really apply to females, so i havent really met one. < a full stop, cool! are u gonna get that dread thingy done when ur down here? cos u look great in that dread do, why do they call them dreads anyway, i'd call them "awesomes" or "insane wooley lookin thingidibobs"

hey go to wildilocks.com or .net. or com.au or som,ethign and go to the dreads section and theres this asiaan chick with red and black ones i watn ti liek that but with uv pink and my haircolour .. im comimng to perth this sunday ... till friday i dont wantto but i think i have to so yeh umm i fel exrtremyl hung over and sick and so im off .. to work ! yay ! cyyya

well i guess thats pretty cool, if u do come down give me a call if u want to go do something, cos im free, and those dread things look good!

(topic continued) ... reminds me of and that is fully him its like that whole first choprus .. but definately unsuspectinb victim .... yeh theyre mad hey( the dreddies) .. not comming down my boss has cancer ( cancer has everyone ? ) didnt want to ask for time off .. i think im gonna be fired anyway u should see what im doing to my ball dres. its gonna be so mad ! im punking it up and all .. maybe not punk .. maybe funkin it up ! its mad and white & im gonna like write in a mad font fairytale stuff all over it in black .. cos the theme is once upon a time ... would have liked to see you  thought hey  ! but country week awaits us ! . also keith stepped on your glasses in drama.. however i will happily buy you a new pair   ummm apart from that not much else is news .. or news that is important enough for me to be bothered to type haha ! but all is well and i hope its the same your way !! lots of love !

well i found jake, he was in exmouth where he got a stick go into his eye, well not his eye but just under the eyebrow, between the socket and the eyebal, now hes actually experience a nofx song"stickin in my eye". i was just thinking, people need to value things a whole lot more, themselves for one, its just i see chicks giving themselves up to absolutely everybody under the sun, its rediculous. thats just another random thought of mine, and i wanna live in a warehouse or a factory, that would be the sickest place, and the acoustics of those places are insane (good fro recording), another random thought, well im gonna go watch some daytime tv and ill give u a call soon, when ur free, sorry i havent called in ages, i cant explain why, im gonna call u though! oh and have a good time on saturday at that ball, and i wanna see this dress, well have a good one. p.s. dont take pictures of shiny things naked

hey im up for the warehhouse thing ! i said that like last yr sometime ! and you could make it really mad. . just a mad hangout type place 1 yes very cooool ~! yeh girls are slut .. ( the part song blink 182 ... thats pretty much most girls) but it happens ... they just want to be liked i guess .. and they think guys like them that way ,, ( im not referring to myself her .. but i've definaetely feltthe pressure before) but what pisses me off is girl that fuck ariund and then go haave avoirtions .. i i think they should take resbonsibilyt for what they do .. and a baby .. is a baby you know .. that a big thing .. its a gift ..anyway .. yeh i remb jake sayignhe was goig nto exmouth .. it was just my really cool mull fucked mempry that failed to remind me where h was ~

oh how i love music ! ned ot have a shoer .. ifeel like oil and other disgusting things ( i think maybe time for a new job .. 3rd time lucky ! )


cyaaa bebe !

hey okay im confused i remember something about devine intervention, whats wrong, im really worried, is there some sort of significance im supposed to be seeing here?

hey .. no dont worry .. no hidden anythign ,,, dd you evr hear aboutthat guy abraham ,, in the bible .. he was willing to sacrafice his own son becasue god told him to . don't worry im not goign religious on you . but i mean fuck .. thats yoyr own son you know ,.. you;d have to be pretty sure that someone up there was looking out for you ... and thne somethign .. things just fit toegether .. and things just fall apart. and people are fake and people boast and i smile to much . and you look at a pink sparkly peen on your floor in the morning and think hey for some wierd reason i feel like i'll need this at school today . and then during math ria says man i need a pink sparkly pen .. and evrything seems lost and then someone smiles . and it's ok . but smiling hurts. . have eyou ever read the poem the goode knight by micheal leunig ?.. tell you what i really want to do .. fall in love with a song and get caught up in tenage rage .. i want to be one of the people in the fron row at one of the first nrivana concerts when they sung smells liek teen spirit .. i wanto inspire something like that ... i want to burn out not fade away ( thats a kurt cobain quote there ) i want to send you this e mail . but i dont know if i wll .. because i know you;ll worrry .. but thatsd exactly what you DONT need to do ... becasue people are dieing .. because of a stupid war becaause of stupid people it's liek a fuckning schoolyard the way our countries asre behaving .. hey do you happen to have many of our e mails asaved .. like from last year or anything .. i had heaps but i got pissed off one day and deleted all my email from everyone .. and now i kinda wish i had them .. would tell a good story you know . andi dont wantto stop writing becasue i sdont know what i'll do with myself if i do .. stop ... becasue i cant seem to .. im snowballing .. and im in this flux and im confsued .. and i dont want to be telling you this .. i dont knowwhy but i reaslly dont ... once again .. will i send this .. proably not .. but then . this email will disaoppear like it nevr happend ... but it did .. if you forghet things do they disapear ?

that was not a drug induced speach .. it was just me ... i haev books of that sutff .. its what i do .. it like my only vent ... and yeh .,. music .. i was looking up plaacebo lyris last night ..  there are soem really good ones. . pitty i dont like the songs with the goodo lyrics ... but yeh its just liek i get so worked up about those things ... and it bublles inside m and all day all iwant to do is get home and wirte and write about how i swear i saw someone smile today .. and they never smile or how i wish people could realsie what they can achive .. they can achiev sooo much .. they can be anything .. thats what i want o be when im older. . if the circus thing doesnt work .. i want to work with teenagers ... i want them to see whats possible hey thatsnk for those mails ... you dont possibly have any of the ones you sent me ?? its a logn shot i know .. because its kind of meaningles with just my side ... but yeh .. im so pisedd off that i deletd them .. i always do that ... but yeh ! i got my country wek jackets today ! i and felt so proud ! it was instant smile on my face ! you can tell me how you feel about me if you want ... its kind of weird becuasei m such an emotional person .. but it works bbetter if i have mepathy .. like i can fel sorry ofr the world but i dont want to feel soory for myself its liek if i make it an impersonal sadness then its not as bad .. and i dont have to burdon peopel with it .. so like it's harder for me .. so i dotn know open to people .. like really open to people and belive they can actually feel anythign for me .. it sounds so stupid wirting it .. but i dont know its wierd ! i guess i dont know alot ~!  but i truly do belive that ignorance is bliss

dont know if you have noticed but u have an amazing talent with words. that reminds me, i had pretty much the exact same thing happen to me in year 11, we were doing that same song thing and i was thinking to do smells like teen spirit, i didnt really know much about the song, in the sense i didnt really look into all that much, then i listened to it and it affected me somehow, both that amzing intro and the amazing lyrics, but i changed my mind, because i didnt want to write a critical essay on something so personal to a dead person, so i did a political one the decline, and i got a A but thats a different story all together, so yeh, i think u should also make sure you keep everything u write because u can express feelings in a poetic way, its great. anyway, im gonna see if i can find all the emails from my part/ u might also want to have a look at some no use for a name songs, namely "let me down" and others like "life sized mirror", they have really great lyrics. Did it feel better that u wrote to me?

was that chzanny i was taking to on the fone before?, i couldnt really hear much cos dave was jamming away at his guitar

on another note, me and jake had an hour convo about the state of and the irony of punk rock, it was surprising informative!

yeh i was going to do it too, but it seemed kind of cliche .. like im a tenager and im just going to cling to a song that i think means something because vryone says it does .. so i decided against it ... i did afghan by grinspoon ... seemed kind of timely .. then jess did smells like teen spirit .. and it kind of pissed me off .. we wewre talkign aboutit .. and iwas like hey 10 points if you can name the other band memebs of nirvana .. and she knew shit all ..thats what pisses me  off .. im guilty of that alot .. but nirvana i fel passionate about .. like readingthe kurt cobain jounrals was like wow . i want  to be famous and commit suicide so i can write liek that or something .. and look id be fucked to try and name the meembrs of unwritten law .. and i reallty like their music .. but tis not them i like .. its the music .. like so often you have that what is punk discuccion .. do you get the peitaph newsletter .. because vry few onths it comes up in there .. you know .. is punk the attitude .. the look .. are blink 182 punk .. if they are then does that make goood charlotte punk blah blah ... and people are like hey i lsten to punk that all im going to listen to and im going to bag evrythting else down .. to me thats going agisnt it ... like jake seems fairly set on the im a punk i listen to punk movemnt .. which is alll fine anddandy .. and im so stereotypign here ... but hey ! but im nore of a music for music person ... like my music collectioon which is big ( becausie of my md and that ) and its like jazz and clasical and punk and heavy and alternate and pop ... and then people are like welll you know  pop music doesnt mean anything .. but some songs ..they dont have to mean .. they just have to be .. its like people .. some pople mean things .. some people mean others .. and some people ... i mean you might nto like them .. but you enjoythem forwhat they are .. like you can stand them on a friday night wehn you go out .. so instead of bitching about how much you hate them for the rest of the week you just enjoy them on friday you know ... and its like dance music ... some of it is really moving .. it just takes you away and for me it has meaning ... uts like classical music used to tell stories .. i cant say i really like bling bling yo ... but .. some of those songs .. domt effect me /.. in a way ill change my life ... but they have this tune that maakes me happy .. music .. influcnes and inspires like nothing else can . like no one else .. can if evryoen would just shut up for a whille and listen to each othwer .. listen to each others music maybether'd be more understanding

anway yeh it was chzanny before .. we werre at hockey traiing .. but wehn u called we were sitting around eating lollies .. hence all the laughetr when i said can i call you back im training ...

hey on the subject of not doing a critical essay on something so meaningful to someone dead ... i was reading kurt cobains suicide note .. and i felt liek the biggest fraud ... i had some stupid song on and i was sitting there .. and i was like what the fuck i dont deserve to be readingthis ... and i dont know it made me think of all the people that fake it you know ... it waas the wierdest feeling ... i felt so fake ... but yeh ... i have to finish my ball dress ! smell ya later man ! ( ahh the simpsons ! )

hey just one last thing, ive forgotton when this ball thing is but heres one bit of advice for u, i dont mean to kill ur fun or anything, remember this is coming from a person who has been to 2 school balls, 2 ball after parties and fucknose how many regular parties, but you told me ur really empathetic, now theres nothing wrong with that but be careful for guys who use that to manipulate chicks, i was taking to my friend stacey (one of those four chicks, were mates now) shes like that and a dude made her feel sorry for him and he was just using her and yeh, so just be careful, but ur a strong chick u'll be right, besides that have a good night at that ball, and make sure u send me a pic of u, have fun among all things.

hahaa yeh there was one guy chattihn to  me for ages and im like hes sooo trying to get down my pants .. nah andrew was a real gentlemn .. ther no like .. relationship type thing betweem us .. if anytign is was kinda wierd. . hes dancing and hes like man weve nvr been this close b4 ... i cant type properly cos i have fake nails .. and yeh ill send photos when i get them devloped ... i dont know the 2nd waynes world as welll as i know the first one ... .. i'd give my right eye to though ... hehehe mann im soo stufffed. . i gotta sleep ! tell u all about it later

what did i say ? it probably is ... everyithign is a song ... .. most probably a pumpkins one ... ?  maybe hrrrrm im tryingto think of what i said now .. he ill send u pic from the ball next time your online .. do you remb susie ??? shes leaving to thailald nand tomorrow is going to be her last day .. i really think im going to miss her hey .. cos like yeh she annoyed me some times and shit but like ... she was herself .. and thats more than i can say for myself and yeh ... itll be like .. wierd when she goes so a few of us are dresing gas fairies tomorrow for her ... gtg .. eat /! i mis you man .. i mis alot of people today ... ,, glad to know u can get drunk agimn

well i finished my song, but its pretty... potent in a way, i actually think its really good, which is quite wierd, and another thing thats wierd is when i was trying to write things down, i came up with ideas some bands have already come across, which made me realise a few things, maybe if i keep coming up with things other songwriters have come up with, maybe i should be one, i never stick to things though, all i do is be myself and thats it, some people cant handle that, some people dont accept that being who they are is good, if u were trying to say that u are not "yourself" in the last email, well u were yourself when u wrote about things after hearing smells like teen spirit, u were yourself when u told me that later in life u want to help teenagers, which is something that generally u dont hear. in my reply to that teen spirit email, i said something about not telling my feelings for u, and u wrote back saying that u wanted me to or something, the thing is i cant cos i already feel guilty for putting that load on u and instead of telling u how i feel about u (which is pretty strong) i would rather appologize for doing it, its a moralty over feeling case, so im sorry. anyway enough said, well i guess have a good one, but well yeh my original idea for this email was not the way it turned out, miss u too

thats everything up until like may 7 this year i think , now things might be all over the place and heaps missing, but hey i tried. have fun.