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The Family Tree Of Will Rogers and Surrounding Skools

This site is in the process of being CONSTANTLY updated and other junk by Nate Bloom.... when we get 400 people or more... I FUCKIN QUIT... html is a bitch okay.... i hate it.. but im willing to do this cause paper just aint good enuf...

yeah... go to the form.. when i put it up.. to REQUEST to be added on... that dont meen u will... cause.. im mom and i say so... so dont get ur hopes up.. but u probably will make it... or you can just email me at:
just so ya know... ask me if u dont beleive me.. i coded all this by myself... so :p.. have a nice day.

Okay, i did it.. finally... Here is the form so you people out there can join our wonderful *cough* bullshit *cough* family... :S

May 28, 2003 5:52PM
If one more person joins as a bro/sis of Jocelyn.. i swear to god... i will cut off their balls/boobs and shove them up their ass... SHE ALREADY HAS MORE BROTHERS AND SISTERS THAN ANY PARENTS WOULD BE HORNY ENUF TO CREATE!!! GAWH!!!

I added this quiz about me... take it.. yeah...

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Heres a cool Mario Bros song, Jocelyn requested that i put it up.. here it is... Click here to hear it.
To save it, right click the link and put "save Target as" then just save it on yer desktop or some other location where you can find it.. easy as that, enjoy ^.^

