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Well life is interesting lately. I'm back in Alaska, after a long, extremely stressfuly, but also extremely fun, year in Montana at MSU. I made a lot of good friends there whom I really miss, but it's good to be back here with friends i've known upwards of nineteen years. So far, it's going pretty damn good, the weather has been really nice, and lot's of people are psyched to go hiking and camping soon, so i'm looking forward to a relaxing.adventurous summer. This year i have been to Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, Wyoming, Nevada(las fucking vegas, twice) and Mexico. It's all been well and good, but i really need a break from all that traveling and the insatiable amount of partying I was doing at college. So i'm back home to recoup, and possibly i will be going to college here next year, but i may also go to MSU again, who the fuck knows? Cheers, all.