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Cursive - The Ugly Organ

Anyone who has heard of Cursive has probably read the comparisons of John Lennon to Tim Kasher, lead singer. Don't let this lead to believe this album is poppy. These Saddle Creek veterans have made a very well organized album that is not a concept album, yet feels like a movie. Kasher's vocals have an amazing ability to switch from screamy to melodic all in one breathe. Cursive's sound has evolved over the years with the addition of a cello, which allows them to set the mood extraordinarily well.

The Ugly Organ is a step away from their previous release, Domestica. While Domestica focused on Kasher's failed marriage, this album has a cynical feel. Songs like "Art is hard" which talks writing songs based on life events, and "Butcher the song" which claims that the fans just want pain. Maybe Kasher is taking a shot at the "emo subculture", or maybe he is just making an observation. Either way, his lyrics are inspiring and refreshing.

For those who believe Saddle Creek is only known for Bright Eyes, they obviously have never heard of Cursive. This is an excellent CD for those of us sick of pop emo. Track Picks - Art is hard, Gentlemen Caller.