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October - Coheed And Cambria

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome Back to your definitive source for Emo and more, emo tunes.. In case you haven't heard this month's featured artist's music, I will waste your time with a few facts to tell you about Coheed and Cambria. 1) Coheed and Cambria are a very good band. 2) Everyone likes Coheed and Cambria. 3) Coheed's second album comes out Oct. 7th 4) Co & Ca's singer has a very high pitched falsetto voice. 5) Co & Ca are NOT emo. 6) If you don't like Coheed, you should leave this place right now!

Now that that's over with I'll tell those of you that are still here why Coheed and Cambria are this month's featured artist. But first a little about the boys. Though they've been together for years known as 'Shabutie,' they released their first record under the name Coheed and Cambria which is titled 'Second Stage Turbine Blade.' (see review) It was their first on Equal Vision records. It is definately worth picking up if you do not already have it. As 'Shabutie' they began to record music just as thier name would imply, Strange. The group began to grow a nice niche as a somewhat comical sci fi concept band. But neither the band, nor their few fans took them very serious. But, over a few years the band perseverd. Fuzzy frontman Claudio Sanchez continued to write music - slightly less strange - but just as original.

Eventually someone at Equal Vision took notice, and the band now had a legitimate home. Sanchez wrote what would become 'Second Stage Tubine Blade,' a concept record that coincides with a novel he has in his head that includes the two characters named Coheed, and Cambria. The tracks are eerie, dark, mysterious, while maintaining a bouncy, melodic side. The record slowly gained a huge underground following without any radio/tv exposure. The record was fueled completely by word of mouth. It has a unique hook, the falsetto vocals, which are reminiscent of Queen, or maybe the music of the 70s and early 80s. It is cool that a band need not rely on the stylish radio, or (gasp) the producers of MTV, to get their music out to an audience. Bands like Coheed are a great example why internet music trading should be kept afloat. Without the internet Coheed and Cambria would still be known as 'Shabutie' and they would be landlocked in Upstate New York.

The third episode of Sanchez's saga, and their second album, 'In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth:3' will grace the shelves on October 7th courtesy of Equal Vision Records. It is unknown what the fuzzy head of Claudio Sanchez has in store for all of us. It is sure not to disappoint. Coheed and Cambria now face a critical decision as they hit tour with fellow coreballs Thrice, and Thursday. They face a split in the path. Will they continue to burrow underground keeping the respect of the scene, or will the attempt to graze the airwaves sharing their music with thousands more. We start to get some answers on October 7th. Until next month, farewell ladies and gentlemen. Control the Pet Population Spay/Neuter! - brian