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Brand New - Dashboard Confessional - MxPx

The Factory was packed. There were a whole lot of kids, you could tell, had heard "Quiet Things..." and "Hands Down" on Y100 (it was a sponsored show). There were some scene vets, but mostly for Brand New. The major downfall of this show was basically this: 3 good bands pushing 3 new CDs. That means a lot of songs you haven't heard before, or songs from a new CD that you haven't digested yet.

First up: Brand Nizzle. They had a strong start with "Quiet Things..." but then went quickly into "Jaws Theme Swimming." They apparently had a total disregard to the old theory that you should warm up and cool down the crowd. They continued a barrage of new stuff from "Deja Entendu." Bad, and I mean really bad feedback and a total lack of bass killed the larger part of the set. The problem was fixed near the end for the closing two. "Jude Law and A Semester Abroad" absolutely blew me away, bringing back the basement rock I loved from BN. "70 x 7" closed, and what and end. The breakdoen was at least twice as long as recorded, and the crown loved it. Good start and finish, but overall terribly dissapointing. Did I mention they only played 7 songs?

MxPx. I am a MxPx fanboy. There's no denying it. They saved the show with their repetative, catchy songs. They opened with a cover of a song originally done by "The Who." They also delved straight into new stuff from a CD soon to be released. "Chick Magnet" and "I'm OK, Your OK" gave the old fans what they wanted with almost perfect sound. The only real complaint I had was Tom's guitar was litle on the light side. "Punk Rawk Show" finished their long set.

Dashboard Confessional: Well... it's Dashboard. They played nothing but new stuff. It was really bad. Chris was lacking his usual whiny voice, but the crowd singing along made up for the missing horrible vocals. Even the old songs were electric. The cellphones being waved like lighters was funny though. Not much else to say about that.

Summary -Bad crowd. -BN had bad sound and a short set. -MxPx was good. -Dashboard... don't even get me started.