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This is my Princess Tiara.Don't you just love it?


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Hey! I am a 13 year old girl who likes boys.....a lot! As you can see, I am a Princess. I love people who acknowledge that fact. Hehehehe. I am going into the eighth grade at South Amherst Middle School. I like school and all, but who doesnt like summer? I am kind of feeling a little bummed about going back, but oh well!My hobbies include reading, singing, internet, writing, dancing, swimming, and shopping. I mean, come on??! What girl doesn't like to shop? I like to watch racing. Auto, dirtbike, atv, whatever. I love it all!

I love my friends. I don't think I could live without them! My best friends at school are: Anna (Lendara), Celia (Legola), Becky (Lorenda), Ashley (Lyra), Erica (Latorian), Heather.

I guess I should tell you a little about my family. I live my my mom, dad, and two younger siblings, they are Heather and Shawn. I also have four older sisters. They are Corinne, Michelle, Smantha, and Shari. They all live in a different state. I don't get to see them very often, which is a real bummer! I miss them so much when we can't see each other! I also would like to tell you about my Grandma, I call her Mimi, my Grandpa, I call him Pappap, and my aunt Dianne. The list of family members could go on forever, but I think I'll just leave it at that. Maybe someday I will make a page about my family tree, but not right now.

My blog is located below. It will be mostly about the trials and errors of making this website. I get frustrated a lot when I can't get what I want to work right. I think that its really fun to test out different HTML techniques and see what you have created. I am still learning, but I think I'm getting better.