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Congratulations if you've found this web site on your own, cause it is very worth it to come here. We don't officially have a name yet (for more info. g0 to info block.). If you like rock you are welcome. If you like hip hop & pop you're also welcome. But if you don't like rock you've come to the wrong place. We don't rap, we just rock. We also sell items (see Store for more info). Feel free to check out everything we have to offer.
Welcome to the Info page, currently the band doesn't Have a name so we just call ourselfes DYf-y.
Games, videos or things that have nothing to do with Dyf-y at all

3D Ping Pong back to top
Blode and his giant Bee Homestar Runner
shoot the planes Tank Hunter
3DSnake Spank the Monkey!

About the band

The founder of Dyf-y is my good friend Sean. I play the electric Guitar, sean plays the electric Guitar, his neibor plays the drums, his sister plays Piano, Kurt is our manager,and Andrew is our bassist. Wer'e trying to get on the radio so listen for us!
Buy Page

We currently have nothing for sale, sorry.

we currently have no songs to show, sorry.

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