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OC-093 "Bataan Pensula"

50km NW of Manila, PHILIPPINES

my standby frequenzy is 20m Band 14.226.5MHz
or 15m Band 21.260.0Mhz
from 15.00 UTC till 01.00 UTC
via american bill benets family hour from 14.00 UTC

I'm glad to receive an e-mail or to meet you on air

good dx

73, from Dr. Zoltan

My email:

My mail address:

PO Box 36575, CP5203, Puerto Galera, Or. Mindoro, Philippines.

All QSL cards and letters direct because I'm only after the dollars you send me, those without, I discard. That's how I make my living.

DX1ABC History:

It all started mid-1990's when I was searching for a 2-way radio communication system for my home in Mindoro Island.  Luckily I got this old Kenwood TS-120S from Chito Barretto-DU1KBE, which I got very cheap (still not fully paid).

I monitored every frequency and what caught my attention were the amateur bands, there seems to be a lot of activities going on every now and then.

I made up the callsign DU1ABC since its easy to recall and nobody uses it anymore.  Then contacts from all continents came and direct QSL cards with dollars arrived.. It was then that I realized I can make lots of money by just calling CQDX!!!  Unfortunatelay, QSL cards that came via bureau were held at the PARA office because I don't have any valid Amateur Radio License to show.

Many criticized and told me that DU1ABC belongs to a Fil-Chinese from Quezon City.  So I made DU2000ABC as my millennium callsign and later on to the present and famous DX1ABC which I think is the best callsign ever.

I added OC-128 to post myself as if I'm in Palawan Island and it worked, lots of QSL cards with dollars came.  In view of this, I searched for a rare island in the Philippines from the list of IOTAs.  I used Alfredo Silva-4F1GNE as my QSL manager but it didn't work, bureau cards were still held in the National Society office.

To make my air presence even more attractive, I claimed that I'm in Batan Island OC-093, (which is a rare Island in DU2) where in fact I'm just sitting comfortably in my home in Puerto Galera.  Tried bribing Bobby Garcia-DU6BG to be my QSL manager but I failed, he is too proud arrogant and uncontrollable.

I made up stories that will catch the generous and humanitarian hearts of innocent foreign amateur radio operators so they will send me more dollars.  It's so easy to fool people these days, I can pretend to be a missionary and in an instant, a medical doctor!  As long as you have the money and connections, you can easily get away with your illegal activities in this Banana Republic.  So who needs NTC, PARA and the Immigration if I can go on with my money making hobbies!!!

Pirate - Someone using an existing callsign and operating on the air, e.g. claiming to be WA6YOO/4 on an North Carolina island group.  What would happen is that I would suddenly be surprised by receiving a number of QSL cards and wonder "What Happened?"
Slim - Someone pretending to be a DX station, usually rare, that is supposed to be on the air.  For example, someone in southern Argentina pretending to be Heard Island, VK0IR
Bootlegger - Someone, usually not a Ham but a wannabe, making up a callsign, one usually not in the callbook, and getting on the air. Sometimes it is someone who already bought a radio, took the test and flunked, and then gets on the air anyway.

 Comment by DU1SAN (23.04.2003 01:45:01)
DX1ABC, Zoltan is a pirate. He uses DU1ABC, DX9ABC, DU2000ABC callsigns which are not registered or issued to him. He is an illegal operator and have been informed about his illegal operation but keeps operating. Please pass the info. QSL cards that came to the national office were not claim because he can not produce an operating permit in the Philippines. He is under surveillance by the telecommunication agency.

Sasi, 9V1SM, informs OPDX that there have been some pirate operations from the Phillipine. Be on the lookout for a station signing as DX1ABC claiming to be on IOTA OC-128. He has also tried to check into SEANET. Sasi states, "A few of us in this region including the SEANET net controllers Roy/DU9/G4UNL, Karl/3W2XK and myself (9V1SM) have been breaking into his QSOs and announcing that he is a pirate". It may be impossible for us to keep a constant watch and urge DX stations not to work anyone signing in with this callsign. More information about this operation can be looked up at QRZ.COM under the call sign DX1ABC. I thought it would be nice to warn the Dx community and discourage all pirate operations on the amateur radio bands. It is really terrible in this part of the world."

The Philippine Amateur Radio  Association reports that the 
"same person using DU1ABC now  using DX1ABC is an  illegal  operator
as  per  the records of our National Telecommunications Commission."
[TNX The Daily DX] (

Me with my children

Jonas and Edita

Me with Jonas

first step to become a pirate like daddy

Me with my friends


Photo Page 1...

Photo Page 2...

My Guestbook...

ext please sign in my guestbook, how do you like my hompage? please comments are welcome

73, god dive or swimm and qso dx-ing from the pirate. dr. zoltan blatter - dx1abc

my phone nummer +63-918-728-7204
24-hrs online......................

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:56 AM
Subject: request

hello bob, i would like to request you to be my new qsl manager,
if you need anithing, perhabs a brand new aircone-ditonary
i will donate one, anithing. just let me now
regards from dr.zoltan,  future cogressman in oriental mindoro.
just e mail me, 
or my hompage new
for shure i will monitoring the coming election and support the new
president-candidat in may 2004, i will thake influene in your goverment
qwit supporting students for study first-pay later education in
your banana-republik, as i aslways said- mabuhay-mabuhay
loong live the phillipines..................

last update may 11, 2003