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252 Uses For Duct Tape

We are cool because.....

We welcome you to this website today. We would like to dedicate this website to all those who made it possible...these are in no specific order! ----Shout-outs By Megan-------------------------------- ***Michelle*** is grand, great, good. LOL. Good times at TGIF. So yeah. Remember that one time when we went camping at Strawberry. You got hit in the head a lot that week...Well you get hit in the head all the time but you took too many to the head that week. Like when Michael threw the log at your head and then ...yeah. And you ran into the tree with the 4-wheeler. Good times. And I got all pissed because..yeah. It was hot okay. How did you manage to run into that tree? I still don't know to this day. The Dollar Aisle at Reams is just so much fun. I really don't know what to write but I know I will think of more later...So yeah. BYE! ***Shannon*** My rubber ducky! So this one time we went out for 7 months and 23 days. Those were the days. I miss those days. Remember when I use to call you Alex because I was "uncomfortable" with calling you Shannon. Yeah...Good times. I remember how I use to call you during Speech. So yeah..Sorry for being such a brat to you sometimes. I can be a brat. But this brat loves you and wants your body. Hehe! I want to make this a long shout-out because I know you will get mad if somebody elses is longer than yours. Did you know that you and I are alike in one specific way..Both us are very stubborn. Sad..I know!..But so true! LOL. I enjoy talking to you greatly! I wish you could call me everyday like you use to. Okay well I don't know what to tell you but..This is the end. ***Talia*** Hello darling. Remember that one time that me, you, and Allison were at your house and we were going to go on a walk and we wanted ice cream so we got a bowl and filled it with ice cream and got three spoons and then we ate it while we walked and we didn't know what to do with the bowl and spoons when we were done so we hid them in the bushes at this random house..And when you went back later to get them..They were no where to be found. Never..And I repeat..NEVER EVER try and hook me up with Devin...NEVER. I am so happy for you and Jimmifer! Good luck with you two! ***Hans*** My Hansy Poo. Remember when you use to be afraid of me because of the music I would listen to. LOL. You use to hate me or something but now me and you be tight. Remember when you called me that one night and we talked on the phone for almost two hours. Yeah..That was nice. I enjoy talking to you on the phone. You need to call more often because after I get off the phone with you I am in the bestest mood ever. We need to go to a concert together sometime. Whatever happened to going to Warped Tour together? But yeah...So your nick-name for me is Meg-Pie..I remember when we gave each other nick-names. Good times. ***Jeramy*** Everytime I am in a car with you I swear I am going to die. Remember when we were driving from Spanish Fork and Michelle and Jeff traded seats and Jeff came in back in with me and Michelle got in the passenger seat and she was trying to move the seat forward and you started driving and then all the sudden slammed on your brakes and Michelle went flying forward. OH MY HECK!! That was awesome. LOL! And then we sat there for ten minutes just laughing. I am laughing just thinking about that. ***Jeff*** So Jeff...Remember when we were going to hook you up with Talia? Yeah good times. But you can't have her anymore because she has Jim..Sorry dude. So yeah. I remember this one time, at Wal-Mart, I saw you and Jeramy. And I was like, "Who is that kid..He looks funny." But I didn't know it was you because I hadn't seen you before. But after I saw Jeremy I put two and two together because I am smart. You're cool. ***Eric*** Remember when I rejected you at the movies? Yeah..You tried to kiss me and I wasn't down with it. Remember when it was all silent in your truck and you put your arm around Michelle and I was like, "ERIC! Take your arm off of Michelle NOW!" Don't you ever put your arm around her again. I miss your car. That '83 Honda Accord had memories. Remember when we fit all 7 of us in that tiny car. Good times. ***Brian*** My twin brother. I remember this one time..we met up at the cemetary on Halloween night. Oh my heck it was freezing! LOL. That night was fun. And I gave you that Barbie picture frame..Yeah. The next time we hung out was at University Mall...And Honest Abe was there too. Oh and you bought me my Buddha...I LOVE THAT THING! Good times. I remember this one time...I went to your house to give you the ducky blanket that I made for you. And later that week you told me that you, Abe, and Scott sat there and smelled it and... yeah. How's the ducky blanket? I miss that thing. Well, I am done. ***Abram*** Honest Abe. I remember the first time I talked to you and I was like, "Does anybody call you Honest Abe?" Good times. Remember when you bought your brother a sausage from Hickory Farms for his Christmas present? LOL. Oh and our Buddha's that me, you and Brian got. I still have mine. I cherish it. I think that I will make you a blanket for Christmas or something this year. "Big gulps eh?....Welp see ya later!" ***Allison*** Hello darling. I am so glad I wasn't a total brat to you this whole year. Good times at Lagoon. Remember when we went on Rattle Snake Rapids and we were running around the raft trying not to get wet and then out of nowhere people squirted us. LOL. Remember that picture that somebody took of me on there and you described it as me looking like a little girl..Atleast I think it was you that said that. LOL. I just love your dog Bugsy. Hehe. But yeah..Everytime we would all get together at your house something would break....Like on New Years. LOL! One word of advice..You guys should never,I repeat NEVER, sing karaoke to me. LOL! ***Amanda*** Oh my heck you are like the sweetest girl ever. I can't believe we stopped being friends. I can't even remember the reason why we did....Obviously it wasn't worth it! Remember that one time when we threw a surprise party for you? That was some good times! ***Jed*** You are so freaking perverted. But yeah..You are like the only guy out of the 5 of you Elberta guys that actually will make conversation with me so you are cool. I remember this one time..You were over at Eric's house and you were talking to me on the phone and Eric started molesting all of you guys..LOL..I was scared. ***Zack*** Even though you are mean to me and Michelle, You still deserve a spot in my shout-outs. You are the most paranoid person I have ever met. Remember when we were driving around Springville and we got pulled over and I was sitting by you in the back and I was freaking out and you were getting all mad at me...LOL. Yeah but why do you think that cop thought we had stolen beer from 7-11? LOL! ***Jordan*** Oh you are so freaking hot. LOL. Remember on the last day of school when your band was playing and I was the only one moshing? Good times. Or remember that one time when I was walking to Michelle's house and you and Colt were walking in front of me and Colt turned around and saw me so you guys walked with me. That was sweet of you guys. I think you should just drop the whole thing about my dad tazzing my sister. LOL. You bring that up way too much. ***Jacob*** Hello my Texan friend. You are so much fun to talk to but..You are never on and so...Yeah. But I love it when you call. You should call more often. It just makes my day. ***Jon*** I can't believe you finally gave me your number. You are going to regret it. Haha. So me, you, Michelle, Hans, and Jia are all going to do something together sometime..That would be fun. I can't believe you don't want to play with me and Michelle...That hurts! You live only a hop, skip and a jump away! Sad, sad, story. ***Phillip*** You really should take it easy on the amount of pop you drink each day. LOL. Don't forget to drink a glass of water each day..You promised me you would just for me. Oh...and ask your mom if she will buy you some apples. Hehe! ***Mike*** Remember that one time you called me and Michelle at 2 o'clock in the morning. That was awesome. And then at 3 o'clock we made Jello...You thought it was psycho but you know what..I really think that you were thinking, "I should try that sometime because these girls are cool and so I should do whatever they do!" LOL. I remember this one time, me and Michelle called you and you made your cat make weird noises and it sounded like it was talking. I was about to pee my pants I was laughing so freaking hard. ---Shoutouts From Michelle---------------------------- ~*~Meg-n~*~ HI! Well what to say... many many memories, like Brandon and Aaron said "Do you have a story about everything?" Well we acually do... so... yeahhhh. Once we were like at the mall and.. yeahh. That was some good times. I used to know you as the "quiet gurl in the back" and now.. wow. lol. I think that I corrupted you. Yeahhh... So your water is good. So remember that one time that we were like "Santaquin isnt that far" So we like started walking and then yeahhh... we are dumb. D-U-M... OK BYE! ~*~Talia~*~ Hello! How are you doin? Remember when we were like "BOL" LOL! That was some good times. And at Lagoon... yeahhh that was some good times. Remember when we went to Colins house and.. yeah. That was fun stuff. And then when me and you and Megan went to the mall and we met Cody, Cheyene, Scott,Tysin, Zac, and whoever else was there and yeahhh.. that was fun. lol. Alright cya! ~*~Allison~*~ I cant believe that we hated each other for the whole summer! That was very depressing. lol. We have sooo many memories oh my gosh! Where to start.. remember that one time that we like.. went under the bridge and got that big stick and poaked people with it whenever they went over the bridge. Yeah that was way funny. We have so many but I wont waste my time or yours by saying all of them! ~*~Amanda~*~ Remember that one time that we like went to go meet Nick but then he was stupid and then u flipped him off and I turned around to see if he was looking and I ran into the pole. And then Megan got her knee stuck. And then your dad got mad at me and megan cuz we were playing the trumpet and this drum thing and he came up and was like "Be Quiet now" lol that was funny. ~*~Dani~*~ Hey! Your like the bestest Cuzin ever! Ya know that one time when we like asked if we could make playdough and then your dad was like yeah but then he didnt let us and so we kept bugging him and he took me home.. that was sad lol. And when we went to that party and it was so dumb lol. There was so many annoying ppls there. Yeahhh... "Truck Down" LOL. ~*~Jeramy~*~ How are you doingggg?!?!? lol. I remember that. Remember when we like went out that was funny. Remember when we were driving and we got pulled over. That was way funny. That made me laugh. I like your... hat. Yeahhh... so hope everything turns out for you and Megan. LOL! ~*~Jeff~*~ Jeff=Jeffy. Dont ask. Neways, That was sooo funny when u got in the trunk and then we got pulled over and the guy was like is sum1 in the trunk and jeramy was like yeahhh and then your like hey guys whats goin on. lol good times. Your a way funny kid. You make me laugh. ~*~Shannon~*~ (boy) Ya know what you need to stop rejecting Megan and just... go out with her again. Cuz.. I said so. And cuz.. you know u want to. Yeahhh... Your a ... cool kid. Remember that one time when we were enimys but now we are not. yeah. So neways, ok bye. ~*~Eric~*~ You need to be nice to me. And not sound annoyed on the phone. Your mom made megan cookies once and then you went and asked my mom if we could go bring them to her. So we did. And then you had that air horn.. that was cool. I love your car. well your old car. You dont Have it anymore. SO you live in Elberta (Utah.. not Canada) Honda Accord 1983. ~*~Jake~*~ Hey Jakey! Once we were like yeahhh. We used to talk on the phone all the time but now we dont. Its depressing. Once you wrote me this poem.. it was cute. Yeahh. Well we need to start talkin again! I miss you! ~*~Rob~*~ Hey! Remember our wedding plans? But now we hafta wait for you to go on your mission. Good plan I would say. We are gunna go camping like every day Ive decided! ~*~Jeremiah~*~ Hey Buddy! How are you doin? Some day we are gunna play tennis.. as soon as I can get up there. yeahhhh... so I dont have issues... Well since I am your stalker I will be seein ya around. ~*~Mike M~*~ Hey so hows Pets Mart workin out for ya? You need to stop drinking Pepsi cuz that is oil. (If ne1 is wondering about my theory.. just ask) Neways, Im gunna make u some jello. ~*~Brad~*~ Remember when I left like 4 long messages on your phone? You better of kept those. So hows the love triangle workin out for ya? "Revelation 3:20" yeahhh thats some good times. ~*~Kyle~*~ You hafta remember that you and Brad are going to sing at my funeral. Good plan. So remember when you said you didnt care if I died.. that was sad. ~*~Bryson~*~ Hey! I went to your house once.. you have cool toys. We are still going to go see Finding Nemo and we are going to make a pie. You have a nice car. ~*~Cody L~*~ Hey Cody! Your an awesome kid when we arent fighting! LOL. You needta call me to hangout alright! Sweettttt. ~*~Brandon~*~ Hey Brandon~Lee. haha. How ya doin. Your a cool kid. But I dont like your friend Cameron. You have cool eyes. ~*~Aaron~*~ Your such a funny kid. I like your bumper stickers... that took me awhile to read. "FAT PENQUIN" lol. Good times. I dont have small hands ok. ~*~James~*~ Hi James! I saw you once at Cafe Rio. And you spit.. inapropriate. I dunno how to spell. We are going to hangout. Remember your cool Mexican duck.. yeah that was cool. Alright "lata" ~*~Eric S~*~ Hey!!!! <--I dunno. Remember I need to marry you bcuz I want your cool last name. Yeahhhh... ok ~*~Greg~*~ Hello, we need to hangout without.. doing that one thing. DQ is cool... make the machine blow up its cool. ~*~Keenan~*~ Hi, I still cant say your name dude. lol. Thats sad. Your just gunna hafta tell me how. Alright we were supposed to go to that concert together but u couldnt get a ride. ok bye ~*~Jimmy~*~ Hey! I havent talked to you forever! Yeah I miss ya.

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