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last updated: 06/17/03



hey, welcome to my shitty site, stay a while if you want. nothing's really here yet, but eventually it should be an alrite site. i plan to put up all pictures from leadership, parties, and upcoming events like formal and THE SUMMER! also, i'm putting up some of my artwork & graffiti for all to see. the 'punk' section will feature information on upcoming concerts and albums (as much as i have time to update) as well as accounts of all the concerts i've been to so far... and links is obvious... but much much more to come... including possibly a title? let me know how shitty it looks so far or if you've got any ideas/suggestions on how to make it better.. payce! :)

the pics and links pages work now .. hah.. so click it on them on the bar or click under the pic to see pics from highschool..


hey hey, one of those party days (notice the bottles in the back... oh yeah)

click HERE for more pictures!!!


nothing to do? click here to check out my msn profile.. yes i'm a loser like that...