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Hello. There are many things that I have come across in my life that I just despise, lothe, and regard with disdain. Similarly to you, I hate stuff. And this is a list of stuff I hate. If you have anything that you think I might hate, or stuff that you passionately hate enough to put on this site, e-mail me: and I'll put something on it for you...

The List:

Home Depot
Bed Bath and Beyond
People with Halitosis
Ultra Violet Rays
Goldfish that die in 2 or less days
BC Rich Guitars and Amps
Linens N' Things
Nemian Marcus
Annie Sez
Limited & Limited Too
Valuable Baseball cards that are in shitty condition
When you get really thirsty and white foam accumlates on the side of your mouth
When a chick tells you that you're not her type
Burnt Toast
Bad Authors and Writers who think they're brilliant
Harry Potter....
Physical Excersize thats not fun
Running the circut in gym
Eddie the Limo Driver
When south park gets canceled for Blues Clues
Getting punched in the face
Getting caught for having girls over
Not being able to play bond
When roger moore was james bond
The Movie "Pi"
Marylyn Quale and Her husband Dan
Dan Katovsky
The Russian Radical Whig Party
Ralph Nater
Pat Buchannan
Osama Bin Laden
Djs who pretend to know what they are doing but really don't
People who don't know what they're talking about
Rebellous computers
Dark Blue Affiliate Network
Ticonderoga Pencils
Abercromibe and Fitch
People who think its cool to be unintelligent
Those fuckers who cut you off on the highway
Botanic Mistrisses
The band, "The Distillers"
That Pina Collata song
Getting shut out of a concert (especially DMB) when you were trying to get tickets 3 different ways
Getting Grounded
Having to take out the Garbage and/or recycling
Having to clean your room
Kevin's Uncle Tom from the Wonder Years
When a punk band tries to redo a classic song and fucks it up
The papa roach CD (both of them)
P.O.D (what the fuck does Payable on death mean anyway? I think these fuckheads were trying to sound deep and mysterious but were too burnt out to come up with anything better)
Chuck Norris
When great movies never make it into theaters because they don't have a $200 million budget
Republican Assholes who a fed up with themselves
Fake Democratic Martyrs who claim to be sacraficing themselves for a cause which that actually don't believe in
Nazis and other Socialist parties
Bubba Sparxxx
Fat Joe
The movie, "8 Mile"
The book, "My Antonia"
When narrow minded unintelligent highschoolers say something is shitty because they can't understand it
The fact that more than half of my grade is in honors history
Speaking but not being heard
these 2 are from marci: Homework!!!
Pointless rap songs (which mainly includes all of them)
Pointless AOL
When you get blamed for something that isn't your fault
People who don't think Ninja's are cool
Changing your long distance service
Getting punched for saying my "o"'s funny
Day 1's
Kyrandia... don't ask
Go-Go's (remember those little flickable pieces of plastic)
A christmas without weed
Crack.... I wouldn't never do a drug named after a part of my own ass
When my internet scamming schemes don't work
Being called 'Aeron Klouis' (yes... it's spelt with a "u" not a "v" you fucking moron)
Anti-semetic bastards
Techno... yeesh
When a great book turns into a shitty movie
People who only listen to books on tape
Shoveling wet snow
Getting my friggen phone taken away
My yahama pacifica
When people repeat things over and over
When people repeat things over and over
Ocean Salt... it sucks don't try it
Goat's Milk
Sour Milk
Not being able to talk to Taryn :-(
People with SERIOUS political agendas (and I mean AGENDAS)
Cookie Monster
When steffi insists on canceling south park for lizzi macguire
Dinner Table conversations at my house
The trip I'm about to take to costa rica
Stale Bread and Bagels
When people friggen spell douche as d-e-u-t-s-h (taryn thats not how you spell it)
The casualities
The song, "Rules and Regulations"
When I can't update the hatelist
People who critsize me or the hatelist, this is just a joke (see people who take themselves to seriously)
When i forget my creative writing notebook
Sunday night homework
History Outlines

>More coming soon!!!!