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Warning: This layout may contain language not suitable for a younger audience. If you are easily offended by a little nudity or swear words please don't go beyond this message. I am warning you now there WILL be a lot of it. If your not offended then please read on. But I warned you!

.::I'm nothing but a young girl in a hospital gown, hair matted in blood. Cut and bruised. Mesmerized by pain, and drowsiness. Everything eats away at me. My thoughts, my dreams and my nightmares. Still those lyrics ring in my ears...but nothing is more painful than what stands in front of me. I look into the walls that bar the House Of Noble off from the rest of the world. It looks like a warm, friendly suburban home on the outside -- but really, the House Of Noble is only a basement apartment. It's not even comfy and's more cluttered and unforgiving::.

.::I rush through all my infinite bad memories at the House Of Noble and cringe. The terrible greatly outnumber the good. These memories cloud my better judgment, and I narrow my eyebrows at the wretched house. I go into my bloodstained jean pocket and pull out a small, yet sharp knife. I can't believe I'm setting out to kill the man that created the disgusting House Of Noble. I cannot back down. I know why he did what he did...and I can't stop. I walk up to the door, and ring the doorbell. I feel like Beatrix in Kill Bill, ready for my healthy dose of revenge::.

.::The door opens after about a minute and a half. The woman that opens it is very familiar to me. Her natural beauty is worn from drugs and age. She looks at me, and her eyes still sparkle in their redness. She looks afraid, as she sees my face, and takes a gander at the blade I hold in my hand::.

Woman - Oh my're bloody...bloody everywhere.

.::I can tell she's nervous. I can smell her fear::.

Stephanie - Paula Noble. Let me in.

Paula - Oh...oh no. You need medical attention sweetie, you're bleeding. Look at those cuts and bruises...your arm is nearly mangled...are you sure it isn't fractured? Put the knife away sweetie, I'll drive you to the--

Stephanie - Paula...

Paula - Stephanie, put the knife away.

Stephanie - I was just at the hospital, I came here to see somebody. Pay someone a little...visit.

.::Paula immediately looks at my knife, and chokes back tears. I feel like pushing her down those stairs that lead into the lair of darkness that she and the man I loath reside in. I know distinctively what she's trying to do. Nothing but stop me from getting to him::.

Stephanie - Cut the crap...

.::Paula breaks down and begins to cry::.

Paula - Please spare him...he...he never meant to hurt anybody. Stephanie, I beg of you and swear I'm bringing him to the institution tomorrow...we're getting him help, Stephanie...have mercy...

.::She looks at the blade again, with tired and distressed eyes::.

Paula - Please Stephanie...he's my only son.

.::I look at the woman who left her house and parents at 15 years old, to start a new life on her own. I look at the woman whose husband walked out on her at the moment he found out she was pregnant. I look at the woman who gave birth to the thing that's caused me a lifetime of grief in only a few months. I almost feel like walking away...and then, I hear that voice::.

Voice - WHAT...are you doing up there.

.::Paula stops dead in her tracks. She looks at me and the tears streak down her face. I hold the knife closer to my body and sigh. His voice penetrates my logic and violates my emotions. I shove Paula to the side and walk down the stairs as quickly as I can. She yells in frustration, and I can hear her taking off, slamming the door behind her. She knows what I'm going to do. When I get to the bottom of those stairs, down into the innards of the basement apartment I know so well, I look to he right, and those cold, dark eyes meet mine in a rage. For a moment, my heart stops beating::.

.::His name is Brian Noble. He's a 25 year old, insecure, paranoid drug addict who thinks he knows what he's doing in life. He thinks that his way is everyone else's way, and nothing other than that will do. He sees my knife, and immediately picks up one of his own from the coffee table::.

Brian - Well, well, well.

Stephanie - UB61B9? You actually thought I wouldn't remember that bullshit?

Brian - Get out of my house and accept the fact that you should have died.

.::I rush toward him, knife extended. He anticipates my charge and blocks my attack. He startles me and knocks the knife out of my hand. At the same moment, he drops his. This is when I realize he has me by the neck with both hands. I take past training advice, and go for the balls. I can feel his hands tightening on my neck. He anticipates my second attack and kicks my arm away furiously, laughing. I begin to weaken::.

Brian - I have more training than you under my belt, Stephanie...I could finish the job right now.

.::He smiles in his content. I mouth with all my strength "fuck you." This makes him let me go. I cough and sputter::.

Brian - Now are you gonna beg, or go that friend of yours.

.::My voice is hoarse and cold::.

Stephanie - He's not dead, you horrible bastard...

Brian - Oh, well he's not dead yet...but I have done damage. That I know. The little shit'll never do anything meaningful with his life ever again, if he's granted life. I can't believe I hit the wrong side. I suppose I was just caught in the moment.

Stephanie - You're a jealous asshole...

Brian - JEALOUS?! Oh, hah. You actually think I'd want something as miserable and scrawny as you? I could do better.

Stephanie - But you...don't want to do better. Do you? I mean, I have a question. Why do you even care about my existence?

.::Brian pauses, he no longer looks content::.

Brian - I...

Stephanie - Don't you have a job? A woman to feed? Something or someone to look after? You're pitiful...

.::I slowly get up. Brian looks ashamed::.

Stephanie - I hope you know I haven't thoughts about you in years...

.::I smile seductively. His ashamed look has apparently become crushed. I know what he's thinking. He tries to hide it, but it shines through him like the sun through the clouds. I feel as if I've already killed him, but I can't stop here. I think of the consequences, and I look at his face. He seems torn apart, and I look at my knife. I ask myself, if this really worth it::.

Brian - That's have to do it now.

Stephanie - Nope, no I don't...I think I've found something that'll make you pay just a little worse.

.::He swallows hard and sinks to the floor::.

Stephanie - You're a vile, disgusting man who treats everything that loves him like shit.

.::Brian does not protest. He just listens::.

Stephanie - You make your mother do everything for you. You live with her, because she can supply you with everything you need. And it isn't food and clothes I'm talking about -- I mean cigarettes and drugs, my good sir.

.::Again, no protest::.

Stephanie - Brian, you've nearly killed my best friend. Do you understand how terribly that hurts?

.::This time, he nods::.

Brian - And...I'm sorry.

.::I begin to laugh::.

Stephanie - Fuck you. You can't be sorry. If he dies, do you think sorry's gonna cut it?

.::He shakes his head::.

Brian - I know it won't. Okay? I knew it when I hit that car. I know it now. So I'll give you what you wanted ever since you stepped into my wretched house.

.::Brian gets up and walks into his room. I close my eyes and fall to the floor again. I begin to realize how exhausted I've become since the accident. I can still feel Mr. Noble's hands around my neck, griping me with the force of death. I can picture his sick smile over my dead body. I shudder::.

.::A small while passes by. I rest on the floor, bloodstained. Brian is in his room. I have no idea what for. Maybe he could be too ashamed to look at my face. Maybe he's plotting to give me something::.

.::I then hear silent weeping coming from his room::.

Stephanie - Brian?

.::Everything becomes more faint. Then, the weeping stops. This worries me. I get up and quickly hustle toward his room as much as it pains me. I push the door open slightly and gasp at what I see. I feel as if I can't speak. Brian is on the floor, slashed and bleeding quickly from almost all his pressure points. Beside him is an bottle of Jack Daniels, and a large bottle of Vicodin. I can tell he's lifeless. His face is pale, and the blood dripping out of his open mouth brings tears to my eyes. I'm not sure whether or not I wanted this. I see a small bloodstained note on the dresser, pick it up, and begin to read::.

Dear, Stephanie.

I'm paying my debt to you with my life.
Lets see how much you think about me now.


.::I run out the the room, up the stairs toward the door and outside into the freezing cold. The cold hits my joints and I collapse onto the concrete. I look up and see Ryan's Orange Mercedes in the driveway. He walks toward me quickly and picks me up. Ryan brings me into the back of his car and lays me down. I breath easily, and cry over the image of Brian's mangled body. Too much blood for me in one day. I shake my head and he tears flow easier::.

Ryan - Shit. Are you alright?

.::I say nothing, so Ryan gets into the front seat of his car. He pulls out, and begins to drive::.


Disclaimer: This layout was made by .blueberry.bubbles. also known as Lisa Marie Harrison in Angelic Prodcuctions 2.0 DO NOT take this one. Get your own! Kapeesh?