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Poems, lyrics, and other punk/goth stuff

My fave movies - You should watch em all!!

I dont really know what this site is gonna be about, but basically i am just going to write about things i have an opinion on, such as movies, beliefs, music, poetry, and shit that has been going on in the real world. if you want to read my poetry,or see my fave lyrics, look at the links below. one will say MY POEMS and just click on that. or if u wanna see my fave band pics and their lyrics click on that. anyways, the first thing i have to say is have you seen "Fight Club"? if u havent, u definently should! when i first heard of it i thought it would just be about fighting, but it is the greatest, and most intellegent movie i've ever seen, and i've seen alot. its kinda confusing in a way especially if u dont pay ALL your attention to it, but in the end you should get it. it has a clever ending, unlike alot of movies, and you could actually learn alot from it. anyways i just had to talk about it cuz i watched it last night and i loved it! anyways ill shut up about that now.oooh, wait, here's some of my fave quotes from that movie: "maybe self-destruction IS the answer" "this is your life, and its ending one minute at a time" "the things you used to own, now own u" "sometimes u do something, and you're fucked. sometimes u do nothing, and you're still fucked" "its only after you've lost everything, that u realize u can do anything" "only through destroying myself can i discover the greater power of my spirit" "we are the middle children of history, raised by tv to believe that someday we will be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we wont. and we're just starting to learn this fact. we are pissed, so dont fuck with us" "we are not beautiful or unique snowflakes. we are the same rotting organic material as the rest of the world" ya those are great, in my eyes. ok, now i'll shut up about this. ummm. . . so we're gonna go to war, eh? most people are like " oh my god! how horrible!" worry worry worry. goddamn! i say good. something new and interesting for once. and if alot of people die, all the better! what do you think? email me.

Kick ass web sites

funny and pointless quizzes
my friend Jeremy's site
