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Anferdys Mosh Pit
Wednesday, 24 November 2004
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Posted by punk4/deathscyth at 9:48 PM CST
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Topic: Snow
Nothin says Snowboarding like a heavy air session at Mad River, but other spots r good to, this section is about snowboarding, so start posting!

Posted by punk4/deathscyth at 9:47 PM CST
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Topic: Skate
This section is all about skating, no if's and's or but's about it. You can post anything from tricktips to links of some sick footage.

Posted by punk4/deathscyth at 9:46 PM CST
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Topic: The Movies
Post here if you want talk about any upcoming movies or if u wanna set an invitation chain.

Posted by punk4/deathscyth at 9:38 PM CST
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Topic: School
This section is where you can talk about wat is going on at school 'n' such. Feel free to say anything you want that relates to this topic.

Posted by punk4/deathscyth at 9:35 PM CST
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