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Dead Pets Gig 22nd Dec 2003

My camera's a bit rubbish but if you wanna buy me a new one thats cool with me.

Use arrow keys to scroll up or down & click on picture to enlarge.

Welsh Girls Scum, sorry Skum. He does'nt like being called 'Scum' Fluff Stashes Bird Some Band You cant see what there doing with their hands? Rich Nod Merch Before & After Sacha, Jeraldine & half 'a' Chris Weazle, looking manly in pink. Em Stotti (up to something) Beckie Calum (Up to something) Zoe Lydia & A Hippy ??!?! Sweeney's Mum Clink Heal! Tom & Kog Stiv Church of the Dead Pets Ah Can Walk!! Stage Dive Stash Stu & Kog (getting all blurred) Stash (Again) Sweeney on Speaker Stack ? Can you see Derv on Stage? Keith

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