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see through my eyes today

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cool IM icons
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cure for boredom
if ur depressed and need support

so yeah.. this is basically sumthin i did cuz i was bored and procrastinating chores.. it's the summer.. there's not much to do... no one is around..either that, or they already got yelled at for being on IM or the phone too much.... maybe this will get me yelled at as well.. cuz i've been on the computer way too much.. man, this is my breakfast, lunch and dinner. this screen is like my life.. seein as how i have none.. hehe.. that was a joke..omg.. i crakced a joke.. gosh i'm funny.... ok. you can stop calling me nerdy now. i'm just bored, ok? although i wanted this to kinda be neat to look at, at the same time i wanted it to be about me. so it will be whatever comes to my random mind. if you can't deal with that, then make your own damn thingy.. thank you.