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~The Queen Of Stratusfaction~ T r i s h - S t r a t u s

..:: { Scene #1 } ::..

Interview With The Maple Leaf Beauty!

Trish is sitting in her locker room when there is a knock at the door. Trish tells them to come in, and in walks Terri Renalds. She walks over to Trish and asks for an interview.

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus:*~* Sure Terri!

Terri sits down and begins to ask her questions.

*~* Terri Renalds: *~* The first thing I want to ask you is, where have you been? After last weeks velocity, you seem to have disappeared. First of all, what was the Trish special addition all about?

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus:*~* Shawn Michaels thinks he’s Gods gift to the XPWF, and an Icon, but what he really is, is a no body. You seen it Terri, no one that I asked knew who he was or sold any thing that had anything to do with him. I was just out to prove a point.

*~* Terri Renalds: *~* How about what happened just before the end of the special addition, you know with Sting?

Trish blushes a bit.

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus:*~* Well Terri, when Sting comes back from his England photo shoot, just ask him.

*~* Terri Renalds: *~* Alright I’ll make sure I do that. For a few days Trish, you’ve been gone, where have you been?

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus:*~* I’ve been in New York City doing a photo shoot also, but this is for the 2003 Internet Babe Of The Year contest. I’ve been the Babe Of The Year two years in a row, I am not going to let this year be any different! I’ve been working my ass off all year and all my fans know that, and finally my hard work will pay off. I brought some photos home, why don’t you take a look.

Trish takes out the pictures and gives them to Terri.

Terri looks impressed.

*~* Terri Renalds: *~* The pictures look great Trish, but speaking of competition Trish, you have a big match on Velocity. How confident are you in your match?

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus:*~* I’m pretty confident Terri, the match itself it pretty simple. All you have to do is throw your opponent over the top rope. It all depends on who you’re facing, but with me it doesn’t matter who I’m facing. Their all the same to me, their all going to feel my wrath sooner or later, it doesn’t matter who goes first. Looking at my competition Terri, I’m not worried at all.

*~* Terri Renalds: *~* How about your new competition in the Woman’s division?

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus:*~* You call that competition? Torrie Wilson, Trinity, and Nidia? I’ve faced better! Torrie, I’m not worried about at all. She lives off the drama, and if she wants drama, she’s gonna get some drama right across that pretty face of hers. She better watch herself, she’s already made too many mistakes. As for Trinity, she doesn’t pose much of a threat to me. She talks awful big, we’ll see what happens with her.

*~* Terri Renalds: *~* Thanks for letting me interview you Trish, I’ll see myself out.

The scene fades and goes to a commercial break.

..::{ Scene #2 }

Not Such Perfect Timing!

The XPWF comes back from a commercial break and Trish is yet again walking down the hall way.

*~* Jim Ross: *~* Oh here she goes again, carefully picking out her next victim to inject her poison in.

She walks into a locker room without knocking and looks around, no one is there. Trish shakes her head and takes a seat and waits.

..::{ Scene #3 }

Talking Down To A Blonde Will Get You In Trouble!

All of a sudden a limo pulls up to the arena and Trinity walks out. She walks down the hall and into her locker room. When she walks in, Trish Stratus is sitting in a chair.

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus: *~* A little late for work aren’t we, and I‘m not talking about to the arena.

*~* Trinity: *~* What do you want? And what are you doing in my locker room.

Trish gets up and walks over to Trinity.

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus: *~* So you want to get straight to the point. I thought you might want to have a drink or something, but since you insist. I am here because I’ve been watching you lately, and I’m not liking what I’m hearing.

*~* Trinity: *~* Yeah? Well I don’t really care what you like or not!

*~* The Maple Leaf Beauty *~* Trish Stratus: *~* That will change very soon. Let’s get this straight Trinity, right here, right now. I am not the ‘superior diva’ as you referred earlier, no, you see I am the dominate female here and if I have to prove it to you, believe me it wont be with words! You cant handle this, and seeing as though you have no one else to help you, you should keep your mouth shut, or I’ll shut it for you, understand? If I was in your position, I would be wanting to align with me, not against me.

Trish walks out of Trinity’s locker room and towards her own.

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Trish Stratus


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Trish Stratus vs. East, Edge, Eddie, Diablo, Nathan Jones for the Extreme Championship

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