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Molly's Little Place

Hey! Damn its been awhile since I've updated nothing new here guys! but maybe some pictures later or a whole new sight? who knows! If you'd like to know a little more about me or whats going on in my life right now, check out my new journal and the the old journalor if you want to ask me a question about anything you can email me. Yeah so, the page is still underconstruction but have fun.
Poeticly Dark
IM Funnies
Still Scratchin Their Heads

The Rules of Driving With Molly
1. Don't let Molly sleep.
2. Don't let Molly drink coffee.
3. Don't let Molly consume alcohol.
4. Don't piss Molly off.
5. Don't tell Molly where to go, she knows where shes going.
6. Don't even think about touching the radio or removing the cd.
7. Don't whine, bitch, moan, complain, or ask "Are we there yet?" because you will find yourself in the middle of nowhere bound, tied, and sold toa little hispanic man named juan who has herpes and homosexual tendencies.